Deformed Archangel: Difference between revisions

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m Text replacement - "| Long" to "| Ranged"
(14 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 5: Line 5:
| Level = 53/76
| Level = 53/76
| Race = Divine
| Race = Divine
| Species = Aerial
| Family = Aerial
| Alignment = Law
| Alignment = Law
| ForceS = 8
| ForceS = 8
Line 11: Line 11:
| MP = 92
| MP = 92
| Str = 35
| Str = 35
| Close = 56
| Melee = 56
| Mag = 24
| Mag = 24
| Long = 39
| Ranged = 39
| Vit = 18
| Vit = 18
| Spell = 38
| Spell = 38
| Int = 14
| Int = 14
| Supp = 34
| Aux = 34
| Spd = 16
| Spd = 16
| PDef = 22
| PDef = 22
| Luck = 1
| Luck = 1
| MDef = 21
| MDef = 21
| Crt = 35
| CritOcc = 35
| Dec = 32
| CritAvd = 32
| HPB = 192
| HPB = 192
| MPB = 48
| MPB = 48
| StrB = 35
| StrB = 35
| CloseB = 51
| MeleeB = 51
| MagB = 24
| MagB = 24
| LongB = 33
| RangedB = 33
| VitB = 18
| VitB = 18
| SpellB = 32
| SpellB = 32
| IntB = 14
| IntB = 14
| SuppB = 28
| AuxB = 28
| SpdB = 16
| SpdB = 16
| PDefB = 16
| PDefB = 16
| LuckB = 1
| LuckB = 1
| MDefB = 16
| MDefB = 16
| CrtB = 35
| CritOccB = 35
| DecB = 32
| CritAvdB = 32
| Inheritance = Expel
| Inheritance = Expel
| Growth = Irregular
| Growth = Irregular
Line 49: Line 49:
| Slash = 80%
| Slash = 80%
| SlashNAR =
| SlashNAR =
| Charge = 80%
| Thrust = 80%
| ChargeNAR =
| ThrustNAR =
| Blunt = 80%
| Blunt = 80%
| BluntNAR =
| BluntNAR =
| Long Range = 90%
| Projectile = 90%
| Long RangeNAR =
| ProjectileNAR =
| Penetrate = 100%
| Penetrate = 100%
| PenetrateNAR =
| PenetrateNAR =
Line 71: Line 71:
| Death = 200%
| Death = 200%
| DeathNAR =
| DeathNAR =
| Magic = 100%
| Mystic = 100%
| MagicNAR =
| MysticNAR =
| Nerve = 200%
| Nerve = 200%
| NerveNAR =
| NerveNAR =
Line 91: Line 91:
| Demon Skill 1 = Slash
| Demon Skill 1 = Slash
| Demon Level 1 = Default
| Demon Level 1 = Default
| Demon Skill 2 = Disection Wave
| Demon Skill 2 = Rending Split
| Demon Level 2 = Default
| Demon Level 2 = Default
| Demon Skill 3 = Anti-Demon Stance
| Demon Skill 3 = Anti-Demon Stance
Line 129: Line 129:
Slash Affinity +1%
Slash Affinity +1%
| SSLevel    = 17
| SSLevel    = 17
| Soul Stone = +20% Damage to Evil Dragon
| Soul Stone = +20% Damage to Drake
| Difficulty  = 1
| Difficulty  = 1
| Vis1 = x
| Vis1 = x

Latest revision as of 00:28, 28 January 2024

This demon cannot be obtained by any normal Dyad Fusion.
Demon Statistics Name
Deformed Archangel
Family Aerial Race Divine
Inheritance Type Expel Growth Type Irregular
Level 53/76 Force Slot 8
HP 412 Melee 56
MP 92 Ranged 39
Strength 35 Spell 38
Magic 24 Auxiliary 34
Vitality 18 Phy. Defense 22
Intelligence 14 Mgc. Defense 21
Speed 16 Crit. Occurrence 35
Luck 1 Crit. Avoidance 32
Locations Found Suginami Tunnels (Silver), Celu Tower (Inspection, Gold)
Variations Deformed, Archangel, Fresh
Drops DCM: Archangel, Turquoise, Revival Orb
DCM Location Dropped by Archangel
Base Stat Estimation (Linked)
HP 192 Melee 51
MP 48 Ranged 33
Strength 35 Spell 32
Magic 24 Auxiliary 28
Vitality 18 Phy. Defense 16
Intelligence 14 Mgc. Defense 16
Speed 16 Crit. Occurrence 35
Luck 1 Crit. Avoidance 32
Defensive Affinity
Physical Resistance Magical Resistance
100% 100%
Slash (SLSH) Thrust (THRU) Blunt (BLNT) Projectile (PROJ) Penetrate (PENE) Spread (SPRD)
Fire (FIRE) Ice (ICE) Electric (ELEC) Force (FRCE) Expel (XPEL) Death (DETH)
Null 100%
Mystic (MYST) Nerve (NERV) Mind (MIND) Almighty (ALMT) Curative (CURE) Support (SUPP)
Words of Power (WRDS) Special (SPCL) Suicide (SUIC)
A deformed demon warped by I.C.B.M. or Obelisk.
XP earned dropped by 80%.
Demon Omega's Sword
A demon with a sword that expels magic. Expel-based attacks are 50% more effective.
A Feather in the Wind
A demon with large wings.
Force-based skills are 20% more effective.
Demon Skills
Lv Demon Skill Lv Demon Skill Lv Demon Skill
Default Slash
Default Rending Split
Default Anti-Demon Stance
Default Fierce Counter
Default Matarukaja
Default Heat wave
Default Electrical Discharge
Default Gale
Breath Wings Slam Fang Maiden Weapon Claw Needle Eyes
Fusion Information
Trifusion - Plugin -
Fusion Range - Success Rate -
Elemental Fusions
Erthys Aeros Aquans Flamies
Down Down Up Up
Race Combinations in Dyad Fusion
Megami × Fallen Amatsu × Fairy Vile × Herald Yoma × Flight
Yoma × Night Yoma × Avatar Yoma × Holy Herald × Avian
Avian × Jirae Flight × Fairy Genma × Brute Fairy × Avatar
Fairy × Beast Avatar × Fallen Lady × Brute
Synthesis Information
Gemstone Needed Turquoise Synthesis Difficulty 1
Soul Fused Item Title -of Punishers Soul Fused Item's Type Weapon
Tarot Effect Level Req. 10 Soul S. Effect Level Req. 17
Tarot Effect Soul Stone Effect
Slash Affinity +1% +20% Damage to Drake

Demons Angel • Archangel • Principality • Power • Virtue • Dominion • Throne • Ose Hallel • Flauros Hallel
Variations Lucky Angel • Inexperienced Angel • Accomplished Archangel • Deformed Archangel • Accomplished Principality • Deformed Principality • Inexperienced Principality • Deformed Power • Inexperienced Dominion
Limited Manifestation Angel • Fresh Archangel • Eternal Partner Dominion • Christmas Eve Angel
Enemy Angel Iskios • Embodiment of Form Angel • Invading Angel • Inviolable Servant Angel • Stray Angel • Archangel Iskios • Invading Archangel • Inviolable Servant Archangel • Archangel (Boss) • Invading Principality • Inviolable Servant Principality • Nightmare Principality • Principalities Iskios • Embodiment of Form Power • Invading Power • Power En podio • Power Iskios • Power (JB) • Invading Virtue • Inviolable Servant Virtue • Virtue Amina • Virtue (JB) • Dominion Amina • Dominion En podio • Enforcer of Law Dominion • Dominion (JB) • Invading Throne • Throne Amina • Warden of the Coffin Throne • Throne (JB) • Frenzied Throne • Seraphim Ose Hallel • Seraphim Flauros Hallel
Event None

Demonic Compendium
By Alignment Law HeraldEntityDeityVileAvianMegamiAmatsuRaptorDivineJakiFlightYomaJiraeMachine
Neutral ReaperHolyBeastFairyElementFiendGenmaWilderSnakeNightAvatar
Chaos FoulBruteHauntDragonFallenFemmeKunitsuLadyDrakeKishinOmegaTyrantGaean
By Family God DeityMegamiEntity
Aerial HeraldDivineFallen
Icon VileAmatsuReaperKunitsuLadyKishinOmega
Demon JakiJiraeBruteFemme
Dragon SnakeDragonDrake
Nether YomaFairyGenmaNightTyrant
Bird AvianRaptorFlight
Beast HolyBeastWilderAvatar
Scourge Haunt
Pagan Foul
Prime Element
Human FiendGaean
Device Machine