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**Stone – Death
**Stone – Death
**Muddle – Magic
**Muddle – Mystic
**Mute – Magic
**Mute – Mystic
**Confuse – Mind
**Confuse – Mind
**Charm – Mind
**Charm – Mind

Revision as of 23:33, 11 July 2021


A Battle Expertise Skill for controlling curse magic over a wide area for indirect assistance in battle.
Side-effects: Skill #/up, Incantation time/down, Status ailment affliction rate


Requirements to unlock: Destruction Magic at Class 1-0, Curse Magic at Class 2-0, Magic Control at Class 1-0, Bless at Class 1-0.


Success = [(skill base% + 1/2 ranks) * mob resistance] + (affinity boost/2) + effect boost

  • Stats have been proven to do either nothing, or close to nothing to affect the final landing chance.
    • Example: All the stats at your personal character stats window.
  • Affinity Bonuses affects the landing rate.
    • Example: Any Soul Stone/Tarot that adds towards death-based damage (Phantom, Chernobog, Inugami, Arahabaki if CHAOS) will contribute to the chance the aliment type, Stone, will land on an enemy.
  • Any weapon that has an affinity boost will also add to the chance.
  • However, modding a weapon will not affect the landing rate.
    • Example: Adding +15% death on slot 3 of a weapon.
  • Success in landing a status aliment or hex may also be increased by gears.
    • Salon Dress/Coat (Brown)
    • Valentine Avatar
    • Valentine Accessories
    • Sweet Face
    • Santa Avatar/ Reindeer Avatar
    • Sweet Earring
    • Devil Doctor set
  • Affinities:
    • Stone – Death
    • Muddle – Mystic
    • Mute – Mystic
    • Confuse – Mind
    • Charm – Mind
    • Sleep – Mind
    • Rage – Mind
    • Paralyze – Nerve
    • Bind – Nerve
    • Hexes – Support

Some skills will cost Bead of Heaven (South) or Bead of Heaven (North) with its respective MP cost. Erosion Hex 1-0 Active Nerve Shot 1 MP 10 A curse that eats at the body and soul of surrounding enemies, and has a low probability of inflicting various adverse effects. Delay Hex Yang 2-0 Active Support Shot 1 MP 12, Bead of Heaven (South) x1 A curse that interferes with the target's timing. Increases enemy's incantation time by 50%. Slash Hex 3-0 Active Support Shot 3 MP 30 A curse that eats at the target's spirit and mind.
* Increases the target's susceptibility to Close-range attacks by 100%. Effect lasts until knockback of target, or for 30 seconds. Bullet Hex Active Support Shot 30 MP A curse that eats at the target's spirit and mind.
* Increases the target's susceptibility to Long-range attacks by 100%. Effect lasts until knockback of target, or for 30 seconds. Spell Hex Active Support Shot 30 MP A curse that eats at the target's spirit and mind.
* Increases the target's susceptibility to Magic attacks by 100%. Effect lasts until knockback of target, or for 30 seconds. Curse of the Slow Cure 3-5 Active Nerve Shot 1 MP 25, Bead of Heaven (South) x1 A curse that slows down the recovery of its victim by eating away at the victim's body.
Reduces the target's Curative Resistance by 100%. Effect lasts for 30 seconds. Delay Hex Yin 4-0 Active Support Shot 1 MP 12, Bead of Heaven (North) x1 A curse that interferes with the target's timing. Increases skill cooldown time by 50%. Damage Hex 4-5 Active Support Shot 1 MP 25, Bead of Heaven (North) x2 A sinister curse, that causes the target to receive attacks in succession (grants Null knockback). Effect lasts for 15 seconds. Curse of the Broken Mirror 5-0 Active Almighty Shot 1 MP 30, Bead of Heaven (South) x2 Spreads a curse over a wide area that nullifies Tetrakarn and Makarakarn.
Corrosion Hex 6-0 Active Mystic Shot 1 MP 25, Bead of Heaven (South) x1 A curse that eats at the body and soul of surrounding enemies, and has a low probability of inflicting various adverse effects.
Curse of the Four Wounds 8-0 Active Support Shot 1 MP 50, Bead of Heaven (North) x2 A curse that has a low probability to reduce elemental resistances of surrounding enemies by 30%.

Check here for reference data.

Techniques: AttackSpinRushShotRapidGuardCounterDodgeCurative MagicDestruction MagicSupport MagicCurse MagicTalkThreatenTauntSummon
Knowledges: OccultismFusionDemonologyWeapon KnowledgeSurvival TechniquesPsychologyMedical SciencesCrushing TechniqueMineralogyBiologyBladesSketchingCreationCraftsGun KnowledgePursuitMagic ControlBless
Chain Expertise: Mastery of Three Forms of LifeSynthesisCrusading FistMitama Demon Growth ScienceCurse of the WretchedEnhancementSupport BulletFreischutzSharpshooterRampageRegal PresenceConditions of Melee CombatConditions of Ranged CombatConditions of Magic CombatSwordsmithArms MakerCraftsmanship