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An Expertise Skill that breaks down your opponent's Guard and unleashes a mighty blow.
Damage goes up and incantation time goes down with level.
Strong against: Guard, Spin Weak against:Attack, Counter


Requirements to unlock: None.

Skills Vulcan Hit Default Active Weapon-based Rush - HP 5% A hit that threatens to break their defense.

Deals varying damage to one enemy, depending on weapon type. Asura Charge 1-0 Active Weapon-based Rush 1
(Select 1)
HP 7% Charges like Asura and barrages an enemy with weapon-based damage in a rain of carnage. Heaven's Gate Active Weapon-based Rush HP 8% Jumps and attacks from the air with fists and inflicts the enemy with damage based on the weapon. Max HP UP 2-5 Passive Special Curative 1 - Passive Skill that increases Max HP.(Max HP +20) Self-Explosion 3-0 Active Self-Explosion Rush 1 HP 100% Put your heart and soul into a big blow

Although user dies, all enemies in a straight line receive suicide based damage according to their HP. Max HP UP 4-5 Passive Special Curative 1 - Passive Skill that increases Max HP.(Max HP +20) Tyrannical Jaw 5-0 Active Weapon-based Rush 1 HP 4% Break your foe's defense, then deliver a blow from behind. Deals varying damage to one enemy, depending on weapon type. Blade of the King Beast 7-0 Active Weapon-based Rush 1
(Select 1)
HP 2% An attack of quite violent brutality, like a wild beast armed with a sword. Although weak in impact, blows can be delivered in rapid succession. Delivers weapon-based damage to a single enemy. Vulcan Hit (Strong) Active Weapon-based Rush HP 10% RUSH (Strong Version)

Check here for reference data.

How to Train Expertise

You need a reliable Healing demon since your HP will be basically drained per skill use. 
  • Unequip all your gear/weapon and hit the Slimes on Virtual Battle room.
  • If you have Lord of Armor, make good use of it.
    • Go to Shibuya, find an Ocypete and hit it non-stop (or until your incense is done, in case you're using one). It's a good idea to bring a healer demon too (since you would basically get reflected every-time you use blunt attacks).
  • Also for those with Blade/Sword of Etude and Lord of Armor (and healing demon, for convenience), and wants to raise Attack/Rush further...
    • There's the option of opening an instance of Shibuya Quartz (Bronze), then finding an Aello to reflect Slash off.
    • Shibuya Quartz (Silver), 25 Altered Magnetites = Your own private training ground for grinding rush.
      • Non-aggressive Accomplished Ocypetes/Aellos (if you use Etude) will spawn if you hit the first switch there.
  • Start a (Need Hacked Chip A) Home III hack run (Newbie Demon Buster).
    • Bring at least 20 - 40 Agi and Bufu stones for Kodama if you solo.
    • At boss room, unequip all your gears/weapon (especially if your damage is high) and simply hit the High Pixies instead of Oberon himself. As they spam heal on themselves, you won't kill them so easily, thus giving you the chance to train all you want.

Techniques: AttackSpinRushShotRapidGuardCounterDodgeCurative MagicDestruction MagicSupport MagicCurse MagicTalkThreatenTauntSummon
Knowledges: OccultismFusionDemonologyWeapon KnowledgeSurvival TechniquesPsychologyMedical SciencesCrushing TechniqueMineralogyBiologyBladesSketchingCreationCraftsGun KnowledgePursuitMagic ControlBless
Chain Expertise: Mastery of Three Forms of LifeSynthesisCrusading FistMitama Demon Growth ScienceCurse of the WretchedEnhancementSupport BulletFreischutzSharpshooterRampageRegal PresenceConditions of Melee CombatConditions of Ranged CombatConditions of Magic CombatSwordsmithArms MakerCraftsmanship