Demonic Compendium (Global)
From Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE Wiki
The following is a complete list of demons within the game. Click on the demon's name to view that demon's stats. To sort the table, click on the [><] icon on table header.
For the regular list of every demons in the game, see Demonic Compendium.
Align | Species | Group | Lv. | Name | Growth |
Law | Gods | Godly Element | 95 | Satan | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Aerial | Herald | 97 | Metatron | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Herald | 1 | Seraph | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Aerial | Herald | 96 | Michael | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Aerial | Herald | 94 | Gabriel | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Aerial | Herald | 93 | Rafael | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Herald | 80 | Uriel | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Entity | 82 | Alilato | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Gods | Entity | 64 | Albion | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Gods | Deity | 93 | Brahman | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Gods | Deity | 95 | Vishnu | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Gods | Deity | 74 | Mithra | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Deity | 60 | Baal | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Gods | Deity | 70 | Odin | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Deity | 86 | Atavaka | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Gods | Deity | 76 | Thor | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Gods | Deity | 65 | Horus | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Gods | Deity | 80 | Indra | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Gods | Deity | 42 | Thoth | Hagalaz |
Law | Icon | Vile | 93 | Seth | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Icon | Vile | 86 | Nyarlathotep | Master Peorth |
Law | Icon | Vile | 83 | Mada | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Icon | Vile | 91 | Samael | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Icon | Vile | 65 | Tao Tie | Tiwaz |
Law | Icon | Vile | 82 | Pazuzu | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Icon | Vile | 52 | Tezcatilpoca | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Icon | Vile | 30 | Baphomet | Peorth |
Law | Birds | Avian | 65 | Garuda | Big Nauthiz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 52 | Yata-Garasu | Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 42 | Suparna | Nauthiz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 49 | Zhu Que | Big Lagus |
Law | Birds | Avian | 36 | Phoenix | Eihwaz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 28 | Jatayu | Small Uruz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 20 | Feng Huang | Small Ansuz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 86 | Anat | SPT 4 Lv |
Law | Gods | Megami | 88 | Norn | Magic 4 Lv |
Law | Gods | Megami | 82 | Lakshmi | SPT 3 Lv |
Law | Gods | Megami | 76 | Pallas Athena | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 68 | Scathach | Big Tiwaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 55 | Sati | Big Peorth |
Law | Gods | Megami | 38 | Freya | Eihwaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 30 | Sarasvati | Ansuz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 24 | Ameno-Uzume | Small Eihwaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 18 | Hathor | Small Ansuz |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 87 | Amaterasu | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 80 | Tsukuyomi | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 71 | Take-Mikazuchi | Big Tiwaz |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 65 | Hino-Kagutsuchi | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 31 | Omoikane | Peorth |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 46 | DB Kisugi | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 78 | Hresvelgr | Big Lagus |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 73 | Anzu | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 69 | Camazotz | Big Uruz |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 57 | Gurulu | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 45 | Furiae | Uruz |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 41 | Zhen | Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 1 | Onmoraki | Small Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 71 | Throne | Big Nauthiz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 64 | Dominion | Big Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 51 | Virtue | Big Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 36 | Power | Tiwaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 25 | Principality | Small Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 17 | Archangel | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 11 | Angel | Small Eihwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 82 | Hecatonchires | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 70 | Girimekhala | Big Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 61 | Edimmu | Big Hagalaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 46 | Cyclops | Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 41 | Rakshasa | Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 25 | Ogre | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 62 | Morrigan | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 54 | Badb Catha | Big Uruz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 36 | Aello | Uruz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 30 | Celaeno | Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 25 | Ocypete | Small Uruz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 12 | Macha | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 7 | Harpy | Small Fehu |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 58 | Ganesha | Big Hagalaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 52 | Efreet | Big Hagalaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 48 | Puksi | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 44 | Jinn | Peorth |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 37 | Onkot | Tiwaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 23 | Dis | Small Ansuz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 14 | Isora | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 8 | Apsaras | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 75 | Gogmagog | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 62 | Titan | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 53 | Sarutahiko | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 41 | Ubelluris | Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 30 | Dwarf | Dwarf |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 24 | Bucca-Boo | Small Hagalaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 17 | Sudama | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 11 | Knocker | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 5 | Hua Po | Small Lagus |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 3 | Kodama | Small Hagalaz |
Law | Machines | Machine | 1 | R07 Sirius | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Machines | Machine | 1 | R07A Arcturus | Fehu |
Law | Machines | Machine | 1 | F07S Aldebaran | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Machines | Machine | 1 | F07H Vega | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Machines | Machine | 1 | F07G Fomalhaut | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Icon | Reaper | 85 | Mot | Master Peorth |
Neutral | Icon | Reaper | 93 | Beiji Weng | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Icon | Reaper | 69 | Guede | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Icon | Reaper | 62 | Chernobog | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Icon | Reaper | 55 | Persephone | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Icon | Reaper | 46 | Hel | Lagus |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 62 | Sleipnir | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 55 | Chimera | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 46 | Bai Hu | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 41 | Kirin | Eihwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 36 | Senri | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 31 | Pa Bil Sag | Uruz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 27 | Bai Ze | Small Ansuz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 24 | Apis | Small Eihwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 21 | Unicorn | Small Ansuz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 13 | Shiisa | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 67 | Gryphon | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 49 | Cerberus | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 42 | Dawon | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 37 | Tan-Ki | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 31 | Orthrus | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 26 | Nekomata | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 18 | Inugami | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 13 | Cu Sith | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 7 | Cait Sith | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 57 | Titania | Big Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 52 | Oberon | Big Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 38 | Troll | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 31 | Elf | Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 25 | Kelpie | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 23 | Gandharva | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 20 | Jack O'Lantern | Small Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 15 | High Pixie | Small Ansuz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 11 | Jack Frost | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 2 | Pixie | Pixie |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 20 | Flamies | Small Peorth |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 15 | Aquans | Small Peorth |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 11 | Aeros | Small Peorth |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 7 | Erthys | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 96 | Masakado | All |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 88 | Trumpeter | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 82 | Mother Harlot | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 74 | Pale Rider | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 70 | Yoshitsune | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 65 | Black Rider | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 58 | Red Rider | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 52 | White Rider | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 65 | Joan of Arc | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 50 | Tokisada | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 46 | Hell Biker | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 55 | Daisoujou | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 35 | Alice | Big Peorth |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 30 | Matador | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Elementals | Sacred Soul | 25 | Saki Mitama | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Elementals | Sacred Soul | 22 | Kushimitama | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Elementals | Sacred Soul | 19 | Nigi Mitama | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Elementals | Sacred Soul | 15 | Ara Mitama | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 71 | Hanuman | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 57 | Hayagriva | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 44 | Cu Chulainn | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 48 | Kurama-Tengu | Uruz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 36 | Valkyrie | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 28 | Setanta | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 64 | Tao Wu | Big Lagus |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 57 | Fenrir | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 50 | Catoblepas | Big Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 40 | Mothman | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 37 | Nue | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 31 | Raiju | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 25 | Gyuki | Small Uruz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 17 | Bicorn | Small Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 9 | Garm | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 80 | Vritra | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 83 | Yamatano-Orochi | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 62 | Yurlungur | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 40 | Raja Naga | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 31 | Mizuchi | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 24 | Naga | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 14 | Nozuchi | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 92 | Lilith | Master Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 72 | Nyx | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 45 | Black Frost | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 57 | Queen Mab | Big Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 52 | Loa | Big Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 47 | Kaiwan | Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 37 | Succubus | Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 31 | Incubus | Uruz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 27 | Fomorian | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 20 | Lilim | Lilim |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 14 | Empusa | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 8 | Alp | Small Ansuz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 81 | Barong | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 74 | Anubis | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 61 | Narasimha | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 71 | Xuan-Wu | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 56 | Sphinx | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 44 | Nandi | Eihwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 31 | Xiezhai | Nauthiz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 22 | Makami | Small Ansuz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 3 | Leader Pixie | Ansuz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 11 | Santa Frost | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 11 | Shishimai Frost | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 15 | Santa Pyro | Small Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 15 | Shishimai Pyro | Small Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Partner, Shishimai Frost | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Partner, Santa Frost | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 52 | Shadow | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 93 | Phantom | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 31 | Black Ooze | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 36 | Specter | Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 16 | Blob | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 11 | Mou-Ryou | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 6 | Slime | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 1 | Will O'Wisp | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 91 | Ongyo-Ki | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 63 | Shiki-Ouji | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 44 | Yomotsu-Ikusa | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 51 | Yaksa | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 28 | Karasu-Tengu | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 23 | Turdak | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 19 | Momunofu | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 15 | Koppa-Tengu | Small Lagus |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 10 | Azumi | Small Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 5 | Shikigami | Small Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 25 | Oni | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 66 | Kinki | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 69 | Suiki | Big Lagus |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 72 | Fuki | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 63 | Kumbhanda | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 44 | Vetala | Melee 2 Lv |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 38 | Legion | Ansuz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 36 | Pisaca | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 33 | Chatterskull | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 24 | Yakkha | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 17 | Choronzon | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 11 | Ghoul | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 7 | Preta | Small Hagalaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 4 | Poltergeist | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 75 | Huang-Long | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 93 | Ananta | Master Eihwaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 55 | Quetzalcoatl | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 77 | Qing-Long | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 39 | Ganga | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 33 | Coatlicue | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 92 | Azazel | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 75 | Flauros | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 83 | Abraxas | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 79 | Gomory | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 73 | Ose | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 65 | Orobas | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 58 | Berith | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 50 | Decarabia | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 43 | Eligor | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 29 | Forneus | Small Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 15 | Andras | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 85 | Rangda | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 56 | Atropos | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 51 | Lachesis | Master Ansuz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 48 | Clotho | Master Eihwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 65 | Dakini | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 53 | Yaksni | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 35 | Yomotsu-Shikome | Lagus |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 32 | Gorgon | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 25 | Taraka | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 47 | Lamia | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 9 | Datsue-Ba | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 83 | Arahabaki | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 75 | Take-Minakata | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 42 | Onamuchi | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 59 | Okuninushi | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 53 | Sukunahikona | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 96 | Ishtar | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 94 | Isis | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 74 | Skadi | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 68 | Kali | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 64 | Parvati | Big Nauthiz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 30 | Artemis | Artemis |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 26 | Kushinada-Hime | Small Eihwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 18 | Kikuri-Hime | Small Ansuz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 73 | Vasuki | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 65 | Kingu | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 57 | Nidhoggr | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 51 | Typhon | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 43 | Basilisk | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 17 | Tarasque | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 8 | Cockatrice | Small Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 72 | Bishamonten | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 52 | Jikokuten | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 45 | Koumokuten | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 38 | Zouchouten | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Omega | 95 | Shiva | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Icon | Omega | 81 | Indrajit | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Icon | Omega | 72 | Susano-O | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Icon | Omega | 80 | Kartikeya | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Icon | Omega | 58 | Dionysus | Big Uruz |
Chaos | Icon | Omega | 93 | Wu Kong | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 90 | Beelzebub(Fly) | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 86 | Baalzebul(Human) | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 95 | Mara | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 82 | Ahriman | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 85 | Astaroth | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 92 | Alsiel | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 90 | Chi You | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 88 | Lucifuge Rofocale | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 72 | Surt | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 86 | Abaddon | Melee 1 Lv |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 69 | Loki | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 64 | Moloch | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 59 | Hecate | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 40 | King Frost | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 20 | Rowdy Avatar Cait Sith | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 3 | Rowdy Avatar Kodama | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 28 | Embodiment of Balance Jack O'Lantern | Master Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 28 | Embodiment of Balance Gyuki | Master Uruz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 65 | Ruler of Shinjuku Tarasque | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 50 | the Column-Dwellers Forneus | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 30 | Decarabia | Magic 3 Lv |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 1 | Slime | Irregular |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 1 | Preta | Irregular |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 1 | Will O'Wisp | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 20 | Jack O'Lantern | Magic 1 Lv |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 1 | Accomplished Will O'Wisp | Big Peorth |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 1 | Accomplished Onmoraki | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 9 | Accomplished Garm | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 11 | Accomplished Mou-Ryou | Big Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 15 | Accomplished High Pixie | Big Ansuz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 17 | Accomplished Bicorn | Big Eihwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 20 | Accomplished Jack O'Lantern | Big Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 25 | Accomplished Kelpie | Big Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 25 | Accomplished Gyuki | Big Uruz |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 80 | Four Heavenly Kings Bishamonten | Melee 3 Lv |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 70 | Four Heavenly Kings Jikokuten | Melee 3 Lv |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 60 | Four Heavenly Kings Koumokuten | Melee Mgc 4 Lv |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 50 | Four Heavenly Kings Zouchouten | Melee Mgc 4 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 49 | Great Beast Cerberus | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 15 | Andras | Magic 4 Lv |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 49 | the Column-Dwellers Ose | Melee 3 Lv |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 65 | the Column-Dwellers Eligor | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 50 | Command of Martial Law Goto | Melee 4 Lv |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 31 | Omoikane | Master Peorth |
Law | Gods | Deity | 65 | Embodiment of Form Odin | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 62 | Sleipnir | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 65 | Madness-Driven Feng Huang | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Icon | Reaper | 33 | Hel | Ranged Mgc 4 Lv |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 26 | Basilisk | Melee 4 Lv |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 60 | Embodiment of Form Power | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Icon | Vile | 30 | Embodiment of Form Baphomet | Master Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 17 | Bicorn | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 30 | Embodiment of Form Artemis | Master Lagus |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 27 | Embodiment of Power Bai Ze | Master Ansuz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 26 | Embodiment of Power Kushinada-Hime | Master Ansuz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 14 | Nozuchi | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 45 | the Column-Dwellers Andras | Master Peorth |
Law | Gods | Megami | 30 | Demonic Aria Sarasvati | Master Ansuz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 32 | Typhon | Melee Mgc 2 Lv |
Law | Birds | Flight | 30 | Accomplished Celaeno | Big Uruz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 25 | Accomplished Ocypete | Big Uruz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 7 | Accomplished Harpy | Big Fehu |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 30 | Accomplished Dwarf | Dwarf |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 17 | Accomplished Sudama | Big Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 1 | Accomplished Knocker | Big Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 5 | Accomplished Hua Po | Big Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 27 | Accomplished Fomorian | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 14 | Accomplished Empusa | Big Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 1 | Accomplished Alp | Big Ansuz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 24 | Accomplished Yakkha | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 17 | Accomplished Choronzon | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 1 | Accomplished Ghoul | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 4 | Accomplished Poltergeist | Big Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 11 | Accomplished Jack Frost | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 1 | Imp of Chaos Taraka | Irregular |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 45 | Imp of Chaos Oni | Melee 4 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 48 | Madness-Stricken Apis | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 28 | Rowdy Avatar Setanta | Melee 4 Lv |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 35 | Embodiment of Power Kikuri-Hime | Master Ansuz |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 70 | Embodiment of Power Arahabaki | Master Ansuz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 26 | Gorgon | Melee 4 Lv |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 65 | Madness-Driven Coatlicue | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 65 | Madness-Driven Jatayu | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 23 | Gandharva | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 58 | Madness-Stricken Pa Bil Sag | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 44 | Rowdy Avatar Cu Chulainn | Melee 2 Lv |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 55 | Madness-Stricken Valkyrie | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 53 | Accomplished Yaksini | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 21 | Accomplished Unicorn | Big Ansuz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 31 | Accomplished Orthrus | Melee 1 Lv |
Law | Gods | Megami | 18 | Embodiment of Form Hathor | Master Ansuz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 31 | Great Beast Orthrus | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 35 | Embodiment of Balance Unicorn | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 11 | Embodiment of Form Angel | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 23 | Embodiment of Power Turdak | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 12 | Accomplished Macha | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 26 | Accomplished Nekomata | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 32 | Embodiment of Setsubun Oni | Melee 4 Lv |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 25 | Incarnation of Exorcism Oni | Melee 4 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 18 | Great Beast Garm | Melee 4 Lv |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 50 | Goto's Loyal Henchman Choronzon | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 50 | Scorched by Flames of an ICBM Ghoul | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 50 | Former SDF Soldier Mou-Ryou | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 40 | Deformed Karasu-Tengu | Irregular |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 32 | Deformed Koppa-Tengu | Irregular |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 28 | Deformed Preta | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 2 | Pixie | Pixie |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 3 | Kodama | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 7 | Cait Sith | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 11 | Jack Frost | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 13 | Cu Sith | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 1 | Onmoraki | Irregular |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 3 | Inexperienced Slime | Novice Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 2 | Inexperienced Cait Sith | Novice Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 3 | Inexperienced Garm | Novice Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 4 | Inexperienced Jack Frost | Novice Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 6 | Inexperienced Cu Sith | Novice Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 12 | Inexperienced Koppa-Tengu | Novice Lagus |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 14 | Inexperienced Sudama | Novice Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 12 | Inexperienced Bicorn | Novice Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 10 | Inexperienced Inugami | Novice Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 17 | Inexperienced Jack O'Lantern | Novice Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 11 | Inexperienced Lilim | Novice Peorth |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 20 | Inexperienced Principality | Novice Lagus |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 21 | Inexperienced Karasu-Tengu | Novice Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 15 | Inexperienced Orthrus | Novice Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 29 | Inexperienced Kirin | Novice Ansuz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 18 | Imp of Chaos Shikigami | Melee Mgc 1 Lv |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 4 | Leader Pixie | Ansuz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 60 | the Column-Dwellers Decarabia | Master Peorth |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 19 | Deformed Onmoraki | Irregular |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 33 | Deformed Cait Sith | Irregular |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 46 | Deformed Black Ooze | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 48 | Deformed Troll | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 51 | Deformed Jack Frost | Irregular |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 53 | Deformed Archangel | Irregular |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 52 | Lucky Nekomata | Blessed Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 25 | Datsue-Ba | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 25 | Shikigami | Irregular |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 40 | Deformed Cait Sith | Irregular |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 33 | Insufferable Chatterbox Deformed Cait Sith | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 51 | Insufferable Chatterbox Deformed Jack Frost | Irregular |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 53 | Insufferable Chatterbox Deformed Archangel | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 38 | Insufferable Chatterbox Troll | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 31 | Insufferable Chatterbox Black Ooze | Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 36 | Accomplished Aello | Big Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 31 | Accomplished Elf | Magic-Fcsd 2 Lv |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 36 | Accomplished Pisaca | Big Tiwaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 23 | Accomplished Dis | Big Peorth |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 24 | Accomplished Naga | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 57 | Lucky Titania | Blessed Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 52 | Accomplished Oberon | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 32 | Lucky Dis | Blessed Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 38 | Inexperienced Titania | Novice Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 36 | Inexperienced Oberon | Novice Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 28 | Inexperienced Aello | Novice Uruz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 23 | Inexperienced Celaeno | Novice Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 14 | Inexperienced Ocypete | Novice Uruz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 3 | Inexperienced Harpy | Novice Fehu |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 18 | Inexperienced Naga | Novice Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 1 | Inexperienced Nozuchi | Novice Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 55 | Deformed Pisaca | Irregular |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 35 | Winged Jailer Furiae | Master Uruz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 30 | Aello | Master Lagus |
Law | Birds | Flight | 30 | Celaeno | Master Uruz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 30 | Ocypete | Master Lagus |
Law | Birds | Flight | 25 | Harpy | Master Uruz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 55 | Momunofu | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 65 | Goto's Loyal Henchman Choronzon | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 65 | Scorched by Flames of an ICBM Ghoul | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 65 | Former SDF Soldier Mou-Ryou | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 65 | Engulfed in Flash of an ICBM Turdak | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 65 | Goto's Adoring Servant Chatterskull | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 65 | Former SDF Officer Specter | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 1 | Wanderer Between Worlds Momunofu | Irregular |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 10 | Brave Garm | Melee 2 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 30 | Inexperienced Cerberus | Melee 3 Lv |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Debug Frost | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 30 | Battle-Scarred Veteran Jack Frost | Melee Mgc 4 Lv |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 30 | Battle-Scarred Veteran Jack O'Lantern | Magic 4 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 31 | Hollow Beast Orthrus | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 49 | Hollow Beast Cerberus | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 25 | Loyal Companion Garm | Melee 4 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 25 | Loyal Companion Garm | SPT 4 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 25 | Loyal Companion Garm | Melee 4 Lv |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 25 | Shikigami | Irregular |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 25 | Shikigami | Irregular |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 75 | Fanatic Girimekhala | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 30 | WORM_B.OOZE.DD Black Ooze | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 25 | C64.BLOB@dd Blob | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 20 | TROJAN.DD.SLIME Slime | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 70 | Queen of Shinjuku Succubus | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 55 | Incubus | Master Uruz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 16 | Inexperienced Elf | Novice Peorth |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 40 | Swift Greed Windy Furiae | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 40 | Unshakable Jealousy Mighty Mt. Furiae | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 65 | Merciful Aggression Flame Furiae | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 40 | Silent Vengeance Dense Forest Furiae | Master Lagus |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 33 | Lucky Hua Po | Blessed Lagus |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 48 | Lucky Angel | Blessed Eihwaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 62 | Deformed Principality | Irregular |
Law | Gods | Megami | 63 | Embodiment of Form Freya | SPT 4 Lv |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 80 | Embodiment of Form Power | Melee 4 Lv |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 68 | Deformed Tarasque | Irregular |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 61 | Deformed Dwarf | Irregular |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 61 | Deformed Dwarf | Irregular |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 53 | Deformed Archangel | Irregular |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 62 | Deformed Principality | Irregular |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 43 | Basilisk | Melee 1 Lv |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 27 | Mirror Inugami | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 50 | Hazardous Sudama | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Inferno Jack O'Lantern | Ranged Mgc 4 Lv |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Blizzard Jack Frost | Ranged Mgc 4 Lv |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Stormy Pixie | Ranged Mgc 4 Lv |
Law | Gods | Megami | 10 | Inexperienced Hathor | Novice Ansuz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 55 | Prisoner of Greed Aello | Master Lagus |
Law | Birds | Flight | 55 | Prisoner of Jealousy Celaeno | Master Uruz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 55 | Prisoner of Vengeance Ocypete | Master Lagus |
Law | Birds | Flight | 45 | Harpy | Master Uruz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 60 | Madness-Driven Ganga | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 70 | Merciless Queen Kali | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 25 | Taraka | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 13 | Inexperienced Taraka | Novice Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 33 | Madness-Stricken Chatterskull | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 66 | Madness-Driven Chatterskull | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 36 | Madness-Stricken Pisaca | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 72 | Madness-Driven Pisaca | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 75 | Merciless Queen Hecate | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 38 | Madness-Stricken Legion | Ansuz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 45 | Inhabitant of the Night Oni | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 45 | Inhabitant of the Night Taraka | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 48 | Inhabitant of the Night Karasu-Tengu | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 29 | Inhabitant of the Night Datsue-Ba | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 55 | Inhabitant of the Night Yomotsu-Shikome | Master Lagus |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 1 | Inexperienced Cockatrice | Novice Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 70 | Enforcer of Law Dominion | Master Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 65 | Inviolable Servant Virtue | Master Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 60 | Inviolable Servant Principality | Master Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 55 | Inviolable Servant Archangel | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 45 | Inviolable Servant Angel | Master Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 48 | Lucky Angel | Blessed Eihwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 61 | Deformed Dwarf | Irregular |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 18 | Inexperienced Naga | Novice Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 50 | Decarabia | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 50 | Forneus | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 55 | Forneus | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 3 | Hollow Beast Cerberus | Novice Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 1 | Garm | Novice Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 2 | Kissy Pixie | Pixie |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 11 | Rainbow of Victory Jack Frost | Small Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 51 | Invading Virtue | Big Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 25 | Invading Principality | Small Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 17 | Invading Archangel | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 11 | Invading Angel | Small Eihwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 16 | Invading Blob | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 28 | Invading Karasu-Tengu | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 25 | Invading Oni | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 32 | Invading Gorgon | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 25 | Invading Taraka | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 57 | Invading Nidhoggr | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 2 | Electronic Fairy Pixie | Pixie |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 3 | Murmur of the Cyber Forest Kodama | Small Hagalaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 3 | Murmur of the Cyber Forest Kodama | Small Hagalaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 3 | Murmur of the Cyber Forest Kodama | Small Hagalaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 3 | Murmur of the Cyber Forest Kodama | Small Hagalaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 25 | WORM_B.OOZE.DD Black Ooze | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 20 | C64.BLOB@dd Blob | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 15 | TROJAN.DD.SLIME Slime | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 1 | Electric King Oni | Novice Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 10 | Electric King Oni | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 20 | Electric King Oni | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 30 | Electric King Oni | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 40 | Electric King Oni | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 1 | Accomplished Flamies | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 1 | Accomplished Aquans | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 1 | Accomplished Aeros | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 1 | Accomplished Erthys | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 10 | Lucky Datsue-Ba | Blessed Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 20 | Inexperienced Mothman | Novice Tiwaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 30 | Inexperienced Ganga | Novice Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 30 | Inexperienced Decarabia | Novice Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 30 | Electronic Fairy Oberon | All |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 15 | Electronic Fairy High Pixie | Master Ansuz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 65 | Hollow Beast Fenrir | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 20 | Hospitable Jack O'Lantern | Novice Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 20 | Naughty Jack O'Lantern | Small Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 70 | Deformed Cerberus | Irregular |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 65 | Deformed Orthrus | Irregular |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 77 | Deformed Fenrir | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 55 | Deformed Jack O'Lantern | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 51 | Deformed Jack Frost | Irregular |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 70 | Deformed Power | Irregular |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 80 | Nightmare Cerberus | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 75 | Nightmare Orthrus | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 87 | Nightmare Fenrir | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 65 | Nightmare Jack O'Lantern | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 61 | Nightmare Jack Frost | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 63 | Nightmare Shiisa | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 65 | Nightmare Inugami | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 70 | Great Beast Garm | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 80 | Great Beast Cerberus | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 75 | Great Beast Orthrus | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 70 | Raging Atmos Flamies | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 70 | Raging Atmos Aquans | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 70 | Raging Atmos Aeros | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 70 | Raging Atmos Erthys | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 85 | Pure Fire Flamies | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 85 | Pure Drop Aquans | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 85 | Pure Wind Aeros | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Elementals | Elemental | 85 | Pure Clump Erthys | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 99 | Cait Sith's Balloon | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 99 | Troll's Balloon | Irregular |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 99 | Slime's Balloon | Irregular |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 99 | Momunofu's Balloon | Irregular |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 99 | Choronzon's Balloon | Irregular |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 99 | Ghoul's Balloon | Irregular |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 99 | Omoikane's Balloon | Irregular |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 99 | Apis's Balloon | Irregular |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 99 | Tarasque's Balloon | Irregular |
Law | Birds | Flight | 99 | Celaeno's Balloon | Irregular |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 99 | Sudamas Balloon | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 99 | Oberon's Balloon | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Shining Santa Frost | Big Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Shining Shishimai Frost | Big Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Deity | 50 | Inexperienced Mithra | Novice Hagalaz |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 25 | Inexperienced Take-Mikazuchi | Novice Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 25 | Inexperienced Parvati | Novice Nauthiz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 50 | Inexperienced Loki | Novice Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 25 | Inexperienced Xiezhai | Novice Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 15 | Inexperienced Unicorn | Novice Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Herald | 40 | Inexperienced Uriel | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 40 | Inexperienced Surt | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Herald | 80 | Uriel (Boss) | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 80 | Surt (Boss) | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 80 | Trampling Soul Vandal Nidhoggr | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 80 | Glaring Soul Giver Hresvelgr | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 42 | Deformed Macha | Irregular |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 55 | Deformed Tarasque | Melee 3 Lv |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 52 | Deformed Specter | Irregular |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 48 | Deformed Legion | Irregular |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 35 | Deformed Choronzon | Irregular |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 30 | Deformed Ghoul | Irregular |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 80 | Warden of the Coffin Throne | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 55 | Lucky Valkyrie | Blessed Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 17 | Accomplished Archangel | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 25 | Accomplished Principality | Big Ansuz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 42 | Deformed Macha | Ranged Mgc 3 Lv |
Law | Birds | Avian | 30 | Nimble Phoenix | Wandering Peorth |
Law | Birds | Avian | 20 | Nimble Feng Huang | Wandering Fehu |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 60 | Nimble Sleipnir | Wandering Fehu |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 20 | Nimble Cerberus | Wandering Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 50 | Nimble Fenrir | Wandering Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 40 | Nimble Decarabia | Wandering Peorth |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 26 | Inexperienced Dominion | Small Ansuz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 24 | Inexperienced Cu Chulainn | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 26 | Inexperienced Jikokuten | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 40 | Imp of Chaos Shikigami | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 40 | Imp of Chaos Oni | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 40 | Imp of Chaos Taraka | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 60 | Imp of Chaos Shiki-Ouji | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 40 | Imp of Chaos Shikigami | Small Hagalaz |
Chaos | Humans | Gaian | 45 | Ultimate Fanatic Assassin | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 60 | the Column-Dwellers Decarabia | Peorth |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 50 | the Column-Dwellers Forneus | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Humans | Gaian | 45 | Ultimate Fanatic Assassin | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 85 | Dabster Pixie | Master Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 65 | Dabster Succubus | Master Lagus |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 65 | Dabster Yaksini | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 65 | Dabster Titania | Master Lagus |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 65 | Dabster Furiae | Master Uruz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 20 | Inexperienced Succubus | Lagus |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 25 | Inexperienced Yaksini | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 13 | Inexperienced Nekomata | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Lucky Pixie | Blessed Lagus |
Law | Gods | Megami | 24 | Accomplished Ameno-Uzume | Big Eihwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 25 | Xiezhai | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 65 | Dabster Sarasvati | Master Ansuz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 65 | Dabster Yomotsu-Shikome | Master Lagus |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 1 | Slime | Irregular |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 1 | Will O'Wisp | Irregular |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 1 | Preta | Irregular |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 1 | Ghoul | Irregular |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 1 | Wounded Cerberus | Irregular |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 1 | Joyful Alice | Big Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 1 | Lost Hua Po | Small Lagus |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 45 | Lustful Fiend Legion | Big Ansuz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 55 | Mythical Beast of Red Mists Zhu Que | Master Lagus |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 30 | Lustful Wraith Poltergeist | Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 35 | Gathering of Beasts Bai Ze | Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 45 | Stray Angel | Master Eihwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 23 | Inexperienced Bai Ze | Small Ansuz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 26 | Deformed Poltergeist | Irregular |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 23 | Accomplished Turdak | Tiwaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 1 | Fresh Archangel | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 1 | Fresh Harpy | Small Fehu |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 1 | Fresh Poltergeist | Small Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 35 | Nimble Kirin | Wandering Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 25 | Nimble Bai Ze | Wandering Fehu |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 20 | Nimble Unicorn | Wandering Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 30 | Nimble Orthrus | Wandering Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 20 | Nimble Bicorn | Wandering Fehu |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 40 | Nimble Eligor | Wandering Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 45 | Renegade Momunofu | Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 45 | Renegade Dwarf | Dwarf |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 45 | Renegade Mothman | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 20 | Lilim the Little Demon | Lilim |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 45 | Imp of Chaos Nue | Lagus |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 46 | Inexperienced Shiki-Ouji | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 45 | Imp of Chaos Pisaca | Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 65 | unclear | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 65 | unclear | Big Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 65 | unclear | Pixie |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 65 | unclear | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 65 | unclear | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 65 | unclear | Big Nauthiz |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 80 | Pale Rider (Boss) | Master Peorth |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 70 | Black Rider (Boss) | Master Peorth |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 70 | Red Rider (Boss) | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 70 | White Rider (Boss) | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 35 | Hell Biker (Boss) | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 50 | Daisoujou (Boss) | Master Peorth |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 25 | Matador (Boss) | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 90 | Guardian of Sin Bishamonten | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 85 | Guardian of Sin Jikokuten | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 85 | Guardian of Sin Koumokuten | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 80 | Guardian of Sin Zouchouten | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 75 | Disciple of Sin Gandharva | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 75 | Disciple of Sin Yaksa | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 75 | Disciple of Sin Kumbhanda | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 75 | Disciple of Sin Pisaca | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 75 | Disciple of Sin Preta | Big Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 75 | Disciple of Sin Gandharva | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 75 | Disciple of Sin Yaksa | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 75 | Disciple of Sin Kumbhanda | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 75 | Disciple of Sin Pisaca | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 75 | Disciple of Sin Preta | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 85 | Reincarnated Demonics Tokisada | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 75 | Reincarnated Ninjas Karasu-Tengu | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 75 | Reincarnated Soldiers Yomotsu-Ikusa | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 75 | Reincarnated Warriors Momunofu | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Humans | Gaian | 75 | Assassin | Big Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 70 | Deformed Kirin | Irregular |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 62 | Deformed Shadow | Irregular |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 30 | Deformed Slime | Irregular |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 45 | Deformed Momunofu | Irregular |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 80 | Nightmare Spector | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 80 | Nightmare Chatterskull | Big Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 80 | Nightmare Kirin | Big Eihwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 25 | Nightmare Black Ooze | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 80 | Nightmare Momunofu | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 80 | Nightmare Turdak | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 80 | Nightmare Kikuri-Hime | Master Ansuz |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 85 | Nightmare Arahabaki | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 80 | Disciple of Sin Kumbhanda | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 80 | Disciple of Sin Pisaca | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 80 | Disciple of Sin Yaksa | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Humans | Fiend | 70 | Ogami | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 20 | Infamous Harpy | Lagus |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 20 | Trendy Cait Sith | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 20 | Popular Decarabia | Peorth |
Law | Gods | Deity | 68 | Odin | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 68 | Demon Overlord Cu Chulainn | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 68 | Eligor | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Deity | 30 | Ambitious Odin | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 30 | Ambitious Cu Chulainn | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 30 | Ambitious Eligor | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Machines | Machine | 99 | Jack O'Lantern Balloon | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 20 | Dashing Jack O'Lantern | Wandering Peorth |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 30 | Christmas King Frost | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 99 | King Frost Balloon | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 20 | Glittery Pyro Santa | Small Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 1 | Shocking Cait Sith | Novice Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 2 | Pixie | Pixie |
Law | Icon | Vile | 95 | Crawling Chaos Nyarlathotep | Master Peorth |
Law | Icon | Vile | 90 | Fiery Three-Eyed Nyarlathotep | Master Peorth |
Law | Aerial | Herald | 90 | Mad Avatar Raphael | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 34 | Inexperienced Scathach | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 34 | Inexperienced Tao Wu | Small Lagus |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 34 | Inexperienced Typhon | Small Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Herald | 45 | Inexperienced Raphael | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 45 | Inexperienced Phantom | Big Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 85 | Great Beast Garm | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 85 | Great Beast Cerberus | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 85 | Great Beast Orthrus | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 35 | Balance-Threatening Phantom | Big Peorth |
Law | Icon | Vile | 86 | Crawling Chaos Nyarlathotep | Master Peorth |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 60 | Madness-Driven Enormous Power | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 11 | Madness-Driven Enormous Angel | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 4 | Inexperienced Poltergeist | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 45 | Inexperienced Arahabaki | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 35 | Inexperienced Quetzalcoatl | Big Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 52 | Inexperienced Yata-Garasu | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 11 | Inexperienced Shishimai Frost | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 26 | Inexperienced Nekomata | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 20 | Unruly Unicorn | Wandering Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 20 | Unruly Bicorn | Wandering Fehu |
Law | Gods | Deity | 20 | Inexperienced Thoth | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 10 | Inexperienced Shiisa | Small Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 25 | Inexperienced Okuninushi | Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 40 | Inexperienced Morrigan | Big Uruz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 40 | Inexperienced Loa | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 40 | Inexperienced Orobas | Big Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 20 | Nimble Hua Po | Wandering Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 20 | Nimble Pixie | Wandering Peorth |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 20 | Nimble Alice | Wandering Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 80 | Sleipnir, the King | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 94 | Beelzebub | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 94 | Beelzebub | Master Peorth |
Law | Machines | Machine | 20 | Fly | Novice Nauthiz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 80 | Deformed Protector Edimmu | Blessed Lagus |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 80 | Deformed Protector Efreet | Blessed Hagalaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 80 | Deformed Protector Jinn | Blessed Lagus |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 49 | Cerberus | Big Tiwaz |
Law | Gods | Deity | 90 | Obsessive Deity Thor | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 85 | Obsession Enslaved Freya | Master Eihwaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 85 | Obsession Enslaved Dis | Master Ansuz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 85 | Obsession Enslaved Pallas Athena | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 85 | Obsession Enslaved Scathach | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Gods | Deity | 85 | False Deity Odin | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 62 | Deformed Principality | Irregular |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 53 | Deformed Archangel | Irregular |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 72 | Deformed Cyclops | Irregular |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 78 | Deformed Sleipnir | Irregular |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 65 | Deformed Apis | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 80 | Deformed Hanuman | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 80 | Deformed Kurama-Tengu | Irregular |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 80 | Nightmare Principality | Big Lagus |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 80 | Nightmare Tarasque | Tiwaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 80 | Nightmare Hathor | Small Ansuz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 80 | Nightmare Sleipnir | Big Tiwaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 80 | Nightmare Onkot | Big Tiwaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 85 | Obsession Enslaved Freya | Master Eihwaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 85 | Obsession Enslaved Dis | Master Ansuz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 85 | Obsession Enslaved Pallas Athena | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 85 | Obsession Enslaved Scathach | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 45 | Joyful Black Frost | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 85 | Obsession Enslaved Valkyrie | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 85 | Obsession Enslaved Valkyrie | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 60 | Crimson Orb of the Depths Mothman | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 60 | Soul Eater of the Depths Vetala | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 45 | Fanatic of the Depths Pisaca | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 45 | Fanatic of the Depths Jack O'Lantern | Peorth |
Neutral | Machines | Machine | 45 | Bike | Blessed Hagalaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 1 | Inexperienced Hua Po | Small Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Inexperienced Pixie | Pixie |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 20 | Inexperienced Artemis | Artemis |
Law | Icon | Vile | 40 | Inexperienced Tao Tie | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 30 | Inexperienced Sati | Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 25 | Inexperienced Nue | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 25 | Saien's Big Nozuchi | Novice Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 30 | Inexperienced Queen Mab | Peorth |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 30 | Inexperienced Kali | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Omega | 40 | Inexperienced Kartikeya | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 30 | Nimble Cu Chulainn | Wandering Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 1 | Wanderer Nozuchi | Novice Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 6 | Wanderer Alp | Novice Ansuz |
Law | Machines | Machine | 40 | VIRUS SECURITY Izar α | Fehu |
Law | Machines | Machine | 45 | VIRUS SECURITY Izar β | Fehu |
Law | Machines | Machine | 45 | VIRUS SECURITY Izar γ | Fehu |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 30 | Deformed Preta | Irregular |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 93 | Love-Testing Enforcer Ose | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 93 | Wannabe Matchmaker Typhon | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 85 | Cave Lord Yamatano-Orochi | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 77 | Mad Holy Qing-Long | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 90 | Beast of Bixia Qing-Long | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 95 | Fiend Daisoujou | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Humans | Gaian | 45 | Frenzied Gaian | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 40 | Deformed Raja Naga | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 31 | Deformed Mizuchi | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 42 | Madness-Driven Onamuchi | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 32 | Denizen of the Dark Gorgon | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 47 | Denizen of the Dark Lamia | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 57 | Denizen of the Dark Nidhoggr | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 43 | Denizen of the Dark Basilisk | Hagalaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 82 | Defender of Abaddon Hecatonchires (F-BOSS) | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Mammoth Baby Goldfish | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Baby Pop-eyed Goldfish | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Baby Goldfish | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Baby Goldfish (Red) | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Baby Goldfish (Black) | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Baby Goldfish (White) | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Baby Goldfish (Gold) | Irregular |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 30 | PHONY_OOZE Black Ooze | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 25 | CLONED_BLOB Blob | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 20 | IMITATION_SLIME Slime | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 25 | PHONY_OOZE Black Ooze | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 20 | CLONED_BLOB Blob | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 15 | IMITATION_SLIME Slime | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 50 | Electric Beast Feng Huang | Big Ansuz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 42 | MEIOSIS_M Hua Po | Small Lagus |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 50 | Electric Beast Kirin | Eihwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 50 | Electric Beast Tan-Ki | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 50 | Electric Beast Mizuchi | Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 47 | MEIOSIS_C Hua Po | Master Lagus |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 55 | Accomplished Quetzalcoatl | Big Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 75 | Netherworld-Guiding Flame Jack O'Lantern | Master Peorth |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 85 | Wandering, Innocent Soul Alice | Big Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 57 | Accomplished Fenrir | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 40 | Accomplished Raja Naga | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 20 | Accomplished Lilim | Lilim |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 25 | Accomplished Oni | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 1 | Herald Blob | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 1 | Herald Mou-Ryou | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 1 | Herald Slime | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 1 | Herald Will O'Wisps | Small Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 1 | Herald Bai Ze | Small Ansuz |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 1 | Manifestation Onmoraki | Small Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 1 | Manifestation Angel | Small Eihwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 1 | Manifestation Kodama | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Manifestation Jack Frost | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 1 | Manifestation Bicorn | Small Peorth |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 1 | Manifestation Nozuchi | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 1 | Manifestation Slime | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 1 | Manifestation Oni | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 1 | Manifestation Kikuri-Hime | Small Ansuz |
Neutral | Icon | Reaper | 93 | Seven stars of death Beiji Weng | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Dreaming Pixie | Pixie |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 1 | Snowflake Dominion | Big Ansuz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 4 | Stray Jack Frost | Novice Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 40 | Gathered Servant Jack Frost | Small Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 55 | Fire-Consuming Lord King Frost | Big Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 40 | Lord of Many Sins Incubus | Uruz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 55 | Lord of Many Sins Incubus | Big Uruz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 35 | Vibrio-Inflicting King Frost | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 43 | Pestis-Inflicting Mara | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 45 | Lassa-Inflicting Lilith | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 47 | Variola-Inflicting Beelzebub | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 55 | Ebola-Inflicting Moloch | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 91 | Onyx Storm Ongyou-ki | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 82 | Rampaging Lightning Kin-ki | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 82 | Thundering Rapids Sui-ki | Big Lagus |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 82 | Wild Wind Fuki | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 45 | Servant to the Four Demons Shikigami | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 45 | Servant to the Four Demons Oni | Tiwaz |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 80 | Fierce Cursed God Takemikazuchi | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 75 | Cursed God Takemikazuchi | Big Tiwaz |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 65 | Furious Takemikazuchi | Tiwaz |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 20 | Furious Takemikazuchi | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 50 | Ame-no-uzume | Master Eihwaz |
Law | Icon | Vile | 55 | Deformed Baphomet | Irregular |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 50 | Deformed Mothman | Irregular |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 45 | Deformed Nue | Irregular |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 1 | Manifestation Alice | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 20 | Nimble Nidhoggr | Wandering Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 20 | Nimble Zhen | Wandering Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 1 | Dengeki Unicorn | Small Ansuz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Dengeki Titania | Big Lagus |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 80 | Defeat Me Omoikane | Master Peorth |
Law | Gods | Deity | 94 | Maintenance and Prosperity Vishnu | Master Lagus |
Law | Birds | Avian | 85 | God-carrying Bird Garuda | Master Nauthiz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 90 | Lion-masked God Nrisinha | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Omega | 96 | Destroyer and Creator Shiva | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 82 | God Princess Parvati | Big Nauthiz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 85 | Elephant-headed Godchild Ganesha | Big Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 79 | God-carrying Cowgod Nandi | Big Eihwaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 71 | Invading Throne | Big Nauthiz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 36 | Invading Power | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 38 | Invading Legion | Ansuz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 36 | Invading Pisaca | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 65 | Invading Dakini | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 17 | Invading Tarasque | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Gods | Deity | 84 | Summoned from Below Mithras | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Deity | 80 | Summoned from Below Odin | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Deity | 52 | Summoned from Below Thoth | Hagalaz |
Law | Icon | Vile | 75 | Summoned from Below Tao Tie | Tiwaz |
Law | Icon | Vile | 92 | Summoned from Below Pazuzu | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Icon | Vile | 40 | Summoned from Below Baphomet | Peorth |
Law | Birds | Avian | 75 | Summoned from Below Garuda | Big Nauthiz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 62 | Summoned from Below Yata-garasu | Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 52 | Summoned from Below Suparna | Nauthiz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 46 | Summoned from Below Phoenix | Eihwaz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 38 | Summoned from Below Jatayu | Small Uruz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 30 | Summoned from Below Feng Huang | Small Ansuz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 86 | Summoned from Below Pallas Athena | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 78 | Summoned from Below Scathach | Big Tiwaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 65 | Summoned from Below Sati | Big Peorth |
Law | Gods | Megami | 48 | Summoned from Below Freya | Eihwaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 40 | Summoned from Below Sarasvati | Ansuz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 34 | Summoned from Below Ameno-Uzume | Small Eihwaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 28 | Summoned from Below Hathor | Small Ansuz |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 41 | Summoned from Below Omoikane | Peorth |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 88 | Summoned from Below Hresvelgr | Big Lagus |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 79 | Summoned from Below Camazotz | Big Uruz |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 55 | Summoned from Below Furiae | Uruz |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 51 | Summoned from Below Zhen | Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 11 | Summoned from Below Onmoraki | Small Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 81 | Summoned from Below Throne | Big Nauthiz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 74 | Summoned from Below Dominion | Big Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 61 | Summoned from Below Virtue | Big Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 46 | Summoned from Below Power | Tiwaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 35 | Summoned from Below Principality | Small Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 27 | Summoned from Below Archangel | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 21 | Summoned from Below Angel | Small Eihwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 71 | Summoned from Below Edimmu | Big Hagalaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 56 | Summoned from Below Cyclops | Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 51 | Summoned from Below Rakshasa | Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 35 | Summoned from Below Ogre | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 72 | Summoned from Below Morrigan | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 64 | Summoned from Below Badb Catha | Big Uruz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 46 | Summoned from Below Aello | Uruz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 40 | Summoned from Below Celaeno | Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 35 | Summoned from Below Ocypete | Small Uruz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 22 | Summoned from Below Macha | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 17 | Summoned from Below Harpy | Small Fehu |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 68 | Summoned from Below Ganesha | Big Hagalaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 62 | Summoned from Below Efreet | Big Hagalaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 54 | Summoned from Below Jinn | Peorth |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 47 | Summoned from Below Onkot | Tiwaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 33 | Summoned from Below Dis | Small Ansuz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 24 | Summoned from Below Isora | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 18 | Summoned from Below Apsaras | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 72 | Summoned from Below Titan | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 51 | Summoned from Below Ubelluris | Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 40 | Summoned from Below Dwarf | Dwarf |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 34 | Summoned from Below Bucca-Boo | Small Hagalaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 27 | Summoned from Below Sudama | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 21 | Summoned from Below Knocker | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 15 | Summoned from Below Hua Po | Small Lagus |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 13 | Summoned from Below Kodama | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Icon | Reaper | 72 | Summoned from Below Chernobog | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Icon | Reaper | 56 | Summoned from Below Hel | Lagus |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 72 | Summoned from Below Sleipnir | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 51 | Summoned from Below Kirin | Eihwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 46 | Summoned from Below Senri | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 41 | Summoned from Below Pa Bil Sag | Uruz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 37 | Summoned from Below Bai Ze | Small Ansuz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 34 | Summoned from Below Apis | Small Eihwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 31 | Summoned from Below Unicorn | Small Ansuz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 23 | Summoned from Below Shiisa | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 59 | Summoned from Below Cerberus | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 52 | Summoned from Below Dawon | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 47 | Summoned from Below Tan-Ki | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 41 | Summoned from Below Orthrus | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 36 | Summoned from Below Nekomata | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 28 | Summoned from Below Inugami | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 23 | Summoned from Below Cu Sith | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 17 | Summoned from Below Cait Sith | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 67 | Summoned from Below Titania | Big Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 62 | Summoned from Below Oberon | Big Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 48 | Summoned from Below Troll | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 41 | Summoned from Below Elf | Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 35 | Summoned from Below Kelpy | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 33 | Summoned from Below Gandharva | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 30 | Summoned from Below Jack O'Lantern card | Small Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 25 | Summoned from Below High Pixie | Small Ansuz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 21 | Summoned from Below Jack Frost | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 12 | Summoned from Below Pixie | Pixie |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 81 | Summoned from Below Hanuman | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 67 | Summoned from Below Hayagriva | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 54 | Summoned from Below Cu Chulainn | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 58 | Summoned from Below Kurama-Tengu | Uruz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 46 | Summoned from Below Valkyrie | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 38 | Summoned from Below Setanta | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 74 | Summoned from Below Tao Wu | Big Lagus |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 67 | Summoned from Below Fenrir | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 60 | Summoned from Below Catoblepas | Big Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 50 | Summoned from Below Mothman | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 47 | Summoned from Below Nue | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 41 | Summoned from Below Raiju | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 35 | Summoned from Below Gyuki | Small Uruz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 27 | Summoned from Below Bicorn | Small Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 19 | Summoned from Below Garm | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 50 | Summoned from Below Raja Naga | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 41 | Summoned from Below Mizuchi | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 34 | Summoned from Below Naga | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 24 | Summoned from Below Nozuchi | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 67 | Summoned from Below Queen Mab | Big Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 62 | Summoned from Below Loa | Big Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 57 | Summoned from Below Kaiwan | Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 47 | Summoned from Below Succubus | Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 41 | Summoned from Below Incubus | Uruz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 37 | Summoned from Below Fomorian | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 30 | Summoned from Below Lilim | Lilim |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 24 | Summoned from Below Empusa | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 18 | Summoned from Below Alp | Small Ansuz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 71 | Summoned from Below Narasimha | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 54 | Summoned from Below Nandi | Eihwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 41 | Summoned from Below Xiezhai | Nauthiz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 32 | Summoned from Below Makami | Small Ansuz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 73 | Summoned from Below Shiki-Oujii | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 54 | Summoned from Below Yomotsu-Ikusa | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 61 | Summoned from Below Yaksa | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 38 | Summoned from Below Karasu-Tengu | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 33 | Summoned from Below Turdak | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 29 | Summoned from Below Momunofu | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 25 | Summoned from Below Koppa-Tengu | Small Lagus |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 20 | Summoned from Below Azumi | Small Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 15 | Summoned from Below Shikigami | Small Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 35 | Summoned from Below Oni | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 65 | Summoned from Below Quetzalcoatl | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 49 | Summoned from Below Ganga | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 43 | Summoned from Below Coatlicue | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 83 | Summoned from Below Ose | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 75 | Summoned from Below Orobas | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 68 | Summoned from Below Berith | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 60 | Summoned from Below Decarabia | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 53 | Summoned from Below Eligor | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 39 | Summoned from Below Forneus | Small Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 25 | Summoned from Below Andras | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 75 | Summoned from Below Dakini | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 63 | Summoned from Below Yaksini | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 45 | Summoned from Below Yomotsu-Shikome | Lagus |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 42 | Summoned from Below Gorgon | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 35 | Summoned from Below Taraka | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 57 | Summoned from Below Lamia | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 19 | Summoned from Below Datsue-Ba | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 93 | Summoned from Below Arahabaki | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 52 | Summoned from Below Onamuchi | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 69 | Summoned from Below Okuninushi | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 84 | Summoned from Below Skadi | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 78 | Summoned from Below Kali | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 74 | Summoned from Below Parvati | Big Nauthiz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 40 | Summoned from Below Artemis | Artemis |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 28 | Summoned from Below Kushinada-Hime | Small Eihwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 28 | Summoned from Below Kikuri-Hime | Small Ansuz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 67 | Summoned from Below Nidhoggrs | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 61 | Summoned from Below Typhon | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 53 | Summoned from Below Basilisk | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 27 | Summoned from Below Tarasque | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 18 | Summoned from Below Cockatrice | Small Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Omega | 78 | Summoned from Below Kartikeya | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Omega | 68 | Summoned from Below Dionysus | Big Uruz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 95 | Summoned from Below Mara | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 79 | Summoned from Below Loki | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 74 | Summoned from Below Moloch | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 69 | Summoned from Below Hecate | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 50 | Summoned from Below King Frost | Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Deity | 84 | Pseudothei Vishnu | Master Lagus |
Law | Birds | Avian | 75 | Servant of Pseudothei Garuda | Master Nauthiz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 80 | Servant of Pseudothei Narasimha | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Omega | 86 | Pseudothei Shiva | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 72 | Servant of Pseudothei Parvati | Big Nauthiz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 75 | Servant of Pseudothei Ganesha | Big Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 69 | Servant of Pseudothei Nandi | Big Eihwaz |
Law | Icon | Vile | 1 | Baphomet | Peorth |
Law | Gods | Megami | 1 | Sati | Big Peorth |
Law | Birds | Flight | 1 | Morrigan | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 1 | Senri | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 1 | Lilith | Master Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 1 | Succubus | Lagus |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 1 | Arahabaki | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 1 | Parvati | Big Nauthiz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 1 | Hecate | Big Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Deity | 1 | Odin | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 1 | Dominion | Big Ansuz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 1 | Rakshasa | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 1 | Oberon | Big Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 1 | Cu Chulainn | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 1 | Mothman | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 1 | Okuninushi | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 1 | Eligor | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 1 | Loki | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 10 | Melon Sucker Knocker | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 10 | Melon Sucker Knocker | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 10 | Melon Sucker Knocker | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 10 | Melon Sucker Knocker | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 10 | Melon Sucker Knocker | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 10 | Melon Sucker Knocker | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 10 | Melon Sucker Knocker | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 10 | Melon Sucker Knocker | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 10 | Melon Sucker Knocker | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 10 | Melon Sucker Knocker | Small Peorth |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 10 | Melon Sucker Knocker | Small Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 10 | Melon Sucker Garm | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 10 | Melon Sucker Garm | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 10 | Melon Sucker Garm | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 10 | Melon Sucker Garm | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 10 | Melon Sucker Garm | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 10 | Melon Sucker Garm | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 10 | Melon Sucker Garm | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 10 | Melon Sucker Garm | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 10 | Melon Sucker Garm | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 10 | Melon Sucker Garm | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 10 | Melon Sucker Garm | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 10 | Melon Sucker Poltergeist | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 10 | Melon Sucker Poltergeist | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 10 | Melon Sucker Poltergeist | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 10 | Melon Sucker Poltergeist | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 10 | Melon Sucker Poltergeist | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 10 | Melon Sucker Poltergeist | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 10 | Melon Sucker Poltergeist | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 10 | Melon Sucker Poltergeist | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 10 | Melon Sucker Poltergeist | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 10 | Melon Sucker Poltergeist | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 10 | Melon Sucker Poltergeist | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 90 | Astaroth Avatar | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 85 | Astaroth Vision | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 70 | Succubus Amina | Master Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 65 | Incubus Amina | Master Uruz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 63 | Cerberus Iskios | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 62 | Dawon Iskios | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 61 | Orthrus Iskios | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 64 | Fenrir Iskios | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 15 | Collector Dwarf | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 20 | Collector Dwarf | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 5 | Collector Pixie | Master Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 10 | Collector Pixie | Master Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 10 | Collector Lilim | Master Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 15 | Collector Lilim | Master Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 75 | Lord of Many Sins Incubus | Master Uruz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 70 | Succubus Prox | Master Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 65 | Incubus Prox | Master Uruz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 70 | Succubus Krustallos | Master Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 65 | Incubus Krustallos | Master Uruz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 70 | Succubus Blonde | Master Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 65 | Incubus Blonde | Master Uruz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 70 | Succubus Anemos | Master Lagus |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 65 | Incubus Anemos | Master Uruz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 75 | Lord of Many Sins Succubus | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 45 | Empusa Iskios | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 45 | Alp Iskios | Master Ansuz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 80 | Incubus En podio | Master Uruz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 80 | Succubus En podio | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 85 | Isora | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 75 | Kelpy | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 70 | Azumi | Master Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 90 | Forneus | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Machines | Machine | 20 | Beelzebub | Novice Nauthiz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 70 | Mara? | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 70 | Mara? | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 70 | Mara? | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 70 | Mara? | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 70 | Mara? | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 70 | Mara? | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 48 | Yomotsu-Ikusa | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 36 | Oni | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 49 | Vetala | Melee 4 Lv |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 36 | Pisaca | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 42 | Gorgon | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 37 | Taraka | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 37 | Datsue-Ba | Peorth |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 30 | The Flood caller Isora | Tiwaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 24 | The Flood caller Apsaras | Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 53 | The Flood caller Tan-Ki | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 39 | The Flood caller Kelpy | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 42 | The Flood caller Mizuchi | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 26 | The Flood caller Azumi | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 55 | The Flood caller Ganga | Big Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 29 | The Flood caller Forneus | Hagalaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 14 | Accomplished Isora | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 31 | Accomplished Mizuchi | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 25 | Accomplished Oni | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 29 | Accomplished Forneus | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 8 | Accomplished Cockatrice | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Humans | Foul | 41 | Punks | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Humans | Foul | 39 | Punks Coward | Peorth |
Chaos | Humans | Foul | 52 | Punks Leader | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Humans | Foul | 41 | Punks | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Humans | Foul | 39 | Punks Coward | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Humans | Foul | 52 | Punks Leader | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 30 | Decarabia | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 75 | Decarabia | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 90 | Decarabia | Master Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 25 | Jack Frost | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 35 | King Frost | Big Hagalaz |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 80 | Omoikane | Master Peorth |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 80 | Omoikane | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 40 | Oni | Novice Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 91 | Onyx Storm Ongyou-ki | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 95 | Daisoujou | Master Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 90 | Gyuki | Master Uruz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 90 | Specter | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 90 | Yomotsu-Ikusa | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 90 | Legion | Master Ansuz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 90 | Yomotsu-Shikome | Master Lagus |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 90 | Datsue-Ba | Master Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 60 | Gyuki | Big Uruz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 75 | Shadow | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 80 | Phantom | Master Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 75 | Specter | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 75 | Mou-Ryou | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 52 | Shadow | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 35 | Phantom | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 36 | Specter | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 11 | Mou-Ryou | Small Peorth |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 88 | Throne Amina | Master Nauthiz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 86 | Dominion Amina | Master Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 85 | Virtue Amina | Master Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 72 | Power Iskios | Big Tiwaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 70 | Principalities Iskios | Big Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 67 | Archangel Iskios | Big Tiwaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 65 | Angel Iskios | Big Eihwaz |
Law | Gods | Deity | 90 | Odin Vision | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Gods | Deity | 90 | Thor Vision | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 80 | Freya En podio | Master Eihwaz |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 75 | Dis En podio | Ansuz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 85 | Valkyrie En podio | Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 85 | Power En podio | Master Ansuz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 85 | Dominion En podio | Master Tiwaz |
Law | Aerial | Herald | 94 | Metatron Avater | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 8 | Protect Wall No.8 | Small Hagalaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 10 | Protect Wall No.10 | Small Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 14 | Protect Wall No.12 | Small Eihwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 46 | Protect Wall No.19 | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 48 | Protect Wall No.18 | Irregular |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 53 | Protect Wall No.14 | Irregular |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 15 | Protect Wall No.5 | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 17 | Protect Wall No.7 | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 23 | Protect Wall No.13 | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 26 | Protect Wall No.6 | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 29 | Protect Wall No.9 | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 31 | Protect Wall No.11 | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 21 | Protect Wall No.16 | Small Fehu |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 25 | Protect Wall No.20 | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 27 | Protect Wall No.22 | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 15 | Protect Wall No.15 | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 17 | Protect Wall No.17 | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 21 | Protect Wall No.21 | Eihwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 24 | Protect Wall No.24 | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 26 | Protect Wall No.26 | Small Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 29 | Protect Wall No.29 | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 35 | Protect Wall No.25 | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 38 | Protect Wall No.28 | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 41 | Protect Wall No.31 | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 43 | Protect Wall No.23 | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 47 | Protect Wall No.27 | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 50 | Protect Wall No.30 | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 52 | Protect Wall No.32 | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 30 | War bringer Berith | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 30 | Peacemaker Forneus | Small Hagalaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 30 | Winged messenger Andras | Small Peorth |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 30 | Pleasure bringer Orobas | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 30 | Bringer of aging Eligor | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 30 | Magician Decarabia | Big Peorth |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 30 | Mystic Ose | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 50 | Greedy Surt | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Aerial | Herald | 50 | Furious Uriel | Master Hagalaz |
Neutral | Icon | Reaper | 50 | Lazy Mot | Master Peorth |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 50 | Gluttonous Matador | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 50 | Jealous Hell Biker | Big Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 50 | Prideful Black Frost | Hagalaz |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 50 | Lustful Alice | Big Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 70 | Crisis | Novice Hagalaz |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 70 | Nightmare | Novice Peorth |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 70 | Void | Novice Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 63 | Unhappy Wife's Husband Oberon | Hagalaz of Yetzirah |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 65 | Strong Wife Titania | Laguz of Briah |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 55 | Interfere Hao Pao | Laguz of Assiah |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 55 | Interfere Pixie | Eihwaz of Assiah |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 57 | Interfere High Pixie | Ansuz of Assiah |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 50 | Interfere Elf | Peorth of Assiah |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 50 | Interfere Gandharva | Tiwaz of Assiah |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 11 | Accomplished Onmoraki | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 41 | Accomplished Chin | Master Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 31 | Shining Ocypete | Sparkling Uruz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 37 | Shining Celaeno | Sparkling Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 43 | Shining Aello | Sparkling Uruz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 75 | Explosive Sudama | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 55 | Crystal Inugami | Tiwaz of Assiah |
Law | Birds | Flight | 90 | Guardian of the Paradise Morrigan | Blank Rune of Ain |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 87 | Unknown Hero Cu Chulainn | Blank Rune of Atziluth |
Law | Birds | Flight | 87 | Spy Macha | Tiwaz of Briah |
Law | Birds | Flight | 83 | Spy Badb Catha | Nauthiz of Briah |
Law | Birds | Flight | 50 | Windy Harpy | Uruz of Yetzirah |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 60 | Flame Onmoraki | Hagalaz of Daath |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 60 | Dense Forest Chin | Hagalaz of Yetzirah |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 75 | Lightning Furiae | Uruz of Briah |
Law | Birds | Flight | 70 | Dense Forest Ocypete | Uruz of Yetzirah |
Law | Birds | Flight | 73 | Flame Celaeno | Uruz of Yetzirah |
Law | Birds | Flight | 76 | Windy Aello | Laguz of Yetzirah |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 70 | Mighty Mt. Dwarf | Tiwaz of Assiah |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 60 | Mighty Mt. Bucca-Boo | Hagalaz of Yetzirah |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 73 | Shining Furiae | Sparkling Uruz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 90 | I.C.B.M Sudama | Tiwaz of Assiah |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 80 | Mighty Mt. Titan | Tiwaz of Briah |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 75 | Shadowy Camazotz | Hagalaz of Yetzirah |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 80 | Kaleidoscopic Inugami | Tiwaz of Assiah |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 75 | Cait Sith | Tiwaz of Yetzirah |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 75 | Nightmare Dwarf | Tiwaz of Daath |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 55 | Nightmare Onmoraki | Hagalaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 81 | Nightmare Ubelluris | Tiwaz of Daath |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 60 | Nightmare Hao Pao | Peorth of Daath |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 75 | Nightmare Chin | Hagalaz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 70 | Nightmare Badb Catha | Big Uruz |
Law | Birds | Flight | 60 | Nightmare Macha | Tiwaz of Daath |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 97 | King Frost | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 43 | Protect Wall No.33 | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 44 | Protect Wall No.34 | Small Eihwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 48 | Protect Wall No.38 | Big Eihwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 55 | Protect Wall No.35 | Small Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 56 | Protect Wall No.36 | Small Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 57 | Protect Wall No.37 | Big Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 49 | Protect Wall No.39 | Tiwaz |
Law | Birds | Avian | 50 | Protect Wall No.40 | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 51 | Protect Wall No.41 | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 52 | Protect Wall No.42 | Big Tiwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 53 | Protect Wall No.43 | Master Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 52 | Protect Wall No.44 | Tiwaz |
Law | Gods | Megami | 67 | Protect Wall No.47 | Eihwaz |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 68 | Protect Wall No.48 | Eihwaz |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 71 | Protect Wall No.51 | Big Eihwaz |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 72 | Protect Wall No.52 | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 75 | the Column-Dwellers Ose | Master Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 68 | the Column-Dwellers Berith | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 75 | the Column-Dwellers Orobas | Big Peorth |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 60 | Protect Wall UB - A01 | Sigel of Briah |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 60 | Protect Wall UB - A02 | Sigel of Briah |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 60 | Protect Wall UB - A03 | Sigel of Briah |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 60 | Protect Wall UB - A04 | Sigel of Briah |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 60 | Protect Wall UB - A05 | Sigel of Briah |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 60 | Protect Wall UB - A06 | Sigel of Briah |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 60 | Protect Wall UB - A07 | Sigel of Briah |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 60 | Protect Wall UB - A08 | Sigel of Briah |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 60 | Protect Wall UB - A09 | Sigel of Briah |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 60 | Protect Wall UB - A10 | Sigel of Briah |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 60 | Protect Wall UB - A11 | Sigel of Briah |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 60 | Protect Wall UB - A12 | Sigel of Briah |
Law | Icon | Vile | 60 | Protect Wall UB - A13 | Sigel of Briah |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 60 | Protect Wall UB - B01 | Sigel of Briah |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 60 | Protect Wall UB - B02 | Sigel of Briah |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 60 | Protect Wall 000UB - B03 | Sigel of Briah |
Law | Birds | Avian | 60 | Protect Wall UB - B04 | Sigel of Briah |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 60 | Protect Wall UB - B05 | Sigel of Briah |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 60 | Protect Wall UB - B06 | Sigel of Briah |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 60 | Protect Wall UB - B07 | Sigel of Briah |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 60 | Protect Wall UB - B08 | Sigel of Briah |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 60 | Protect Wall UB - B09 | Sigel of Briah |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 60 | Protect Wall UB - B10 | Sigel of Briah |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 60 | Protect Wall UB - B11 | Sigel of Briah |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 60 | Protect Wall UB - B12 | Sigel of Briah |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 60 | Protect Wall UB - B13 | Sigel of Briah |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 80 | Protect Wall UB - BLK | Sigel of Ain |
Law | Icon | Vile | 80 | Baphomet | Sigel of Ain |
Law | Birds | Flight | 87 | Macha | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Flight | 83 | Badb Catha | Nauthiz of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Flight | 90 | Morrigan | Blank Rune of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 90 | Cu Chulainn | Blank Rune of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 85 | Bicorn | Eihwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 85 | Troll | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 90 | Titania | Laguz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 90 | Oberon | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 85 | Fomorian | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Gods | Megami | 87 | Scathach | Peorth of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 89 | Skadi | Laguz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 80 | Will O'Wisp | Peorth of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 83 | Jack O'Lantern | Peorth of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 82 | Pixie | Eihwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 87 | High Pixie | Ansuz of Ain Soph |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 86 | Knocker | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 87 | Bucca-Boo | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 83 | Elf | Eihwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 83 | Cu Sith | Ansuz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 87 | Cait Sith | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 83 | Kelpy | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 83 | Alp | Ansuz of Ain Soph |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 85 | Dwarf | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 88 | Tarasque | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 89 | Furiae | Uruz of Ain Soph |
Law | Icon | Vile | 95 | Nyarlathotep | Peorth of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 82 | Cockatrice | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 84 | Unicorn | Ansuz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 87 | Lamia | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 85 | Pisaca | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 88 | Vetala | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 89 | Kumbhanda | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 80 | Jack Frost | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 82 | Accomplished Jack Frost | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 82 | Deformed Jack Frost | Irregular |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 88 | Nightmare Jack Frost | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 90 | Blizzard Jack Frost | Laguz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 90 | Shining Santa Frost | Ansuz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 90 | Shining Shishimai Frost | Laguz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 95 | King Frost | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 95 | Black Frost | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 80 | Andras | Peorth of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 82 | Forneus | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 84 | Eligor | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 86 | Decarabia | Peorth of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 88 | Berith | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 90 | Orobas | Peorth of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 95 | Ose | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 80 | Angel | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 82 | Archangel | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 84 | Principality | Laguz of Ain Soph |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 85 | Power | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 87 | Virtue | Ansuz of Ain Soph |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 89 | Dominion | Ansuz of Ain Soph |
Law | Aerial | Divine | 90 | Throne | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Aerial | Herald | 95 | Uriel | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Aerial | Herald | 97 | Rafael | Eihwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 95 | Loki | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Icon | Reaper | 86 | Hel | Laguz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 80 | Garm | Ingwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 88 | Fenrir | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 95 | Surt | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 94 | Moloch | Peorth of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 85 | Hresvelgr | Ingwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 88 | Nidhoggr | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Avian | 92 | Zhu Que | Laguz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 92 | Qing-Long | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 85 | Kirin | Ansuz of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Avian | 86 | Feng Huang | Ansuz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 88 | Xiezhai | Blank Rune of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 86 | Chin | Blank Rune of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 90 | Tao Wu | Laguz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 82 | Bai Ze | Ansuz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Icon | Reaper | 97 | Beiji Weng | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 85 | Orthrus | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 85 | Cerberus | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 90 | Artemis | Uruz of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Flight | 80 | Harpy | Uruz of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Flight | 87 | Aello | Laguz of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Flight | 85 | Celaeno | Uruz of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Flight | 83 | Ocypete | Uruz of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Avian | 86 | Phoenix | Eihwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Icon | Omega | 94 | Dionysus | Blank Rune of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 83 | Gorgon | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 87 | Basilisk | Uruz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 90 | Typhon | Laguz of Ain Soph |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 91 | Titan | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 82 | Cyclops | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 94 | Hecatonchires | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 82 | Empusa | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 95 | Hecate | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Icon | Vile | 87 | Tao Tie | Ingwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Icon | Vile | 92 | Pazuzu | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Icon | Reaper | 89 | Chernobog | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 83 | Coatlicue | Ingwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 90 | Camazotz | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 88 | Catoblepas | Blank Rune of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Icon | Reaper | 95 | Mot | Peorth of Ain Soph |
Law | Icon | Vile | 97 | Baphomet | Blank Rune of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 90 | Dakini | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 90 | Kali | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 86 | Nandi | Eihwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Gods | Megami | 90 | Sati | Peorth of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 92 | Parvati | Nauthiz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 86 | Ganga | Blank Rune of Ain Soph |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 88 | Ganesha | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 82 | Onkot | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 90 | Narasimha | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 83 | Gandharva | Eihwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 84 | Apsaras | Peorth of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 88 | Hanuman | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Avian | 86 | Suparna | Ingwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Avian | 90 | Garuda | Blank Rune of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Avian | 85 | Jatayu | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 83 | Naga | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 86 | Raja Naga | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Gods | Megami | 94 | Sarasvati | Blank Rune of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 85 | Yaksa | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 83 | Taraka | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 90 | Yaksini | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 88 | Dawon | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Icon | Vile | 97 | Mada | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 80 | Datsue-Ba | Peorth of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 85 | Yomotsu-Shikome | Eihwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 88 | Yomotsu-Ikusa | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Icon | Kunitsu | 85 | Onamuchi | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 80 | Kikuri-Hime | Ansuz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Icon | Lady | 82 | Kushinada-Hime | Ansuz of Ain Soph |
Law | Gods | Megami | 85 | Ameno-Uzume | Eihwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Avian | 87 | Yata-Garasu | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 88 | Omoikane | Eihwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Icon | Amatsu | 90 | Takemikazuchi | Eihwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 95 | Yamatano-Orochi | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 80 | Kodama | Laguz of Ain Soph |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 82 | Sudama | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Law | Birds | Raptor | 80 | Onmoraki | Laguz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 84 | Azumi | Laguz of Ain Soph |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 84 | Isora | Ingwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 84 | Gyuki | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 86 | Nekomata | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 86 | Nue | Laguz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 80 | Nozuchi | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 86 | Mizuchi | Peorth of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 84 | Inugami | Eihwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 86 | Makami | Ansuz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 80 | Koppa-Tengu | Nauthiz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 85 | Karasu-Tengu | Ansuz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 90 | Kurama-Tengu | Blank Rune of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 80 | Shikigami | Ansuz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 84 | Oni | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 86 | Shiki-Ouji | Peorth of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 90 | Suiki | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 88 | Kinki | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 92 | Fuki | Hagalaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 95 | Ongyo-Ki | Blank Rune of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 95 | Mara | Blank Rune of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 86 | Yakkha | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 94 | Zouchouten | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 95 | Koumokuten | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 96 | Jikokuten | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Icon | Guardian | 97 | Bishamonten | Tiwaz of Ain Soph |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 97 | Ananta | Eihwaz of Ain Soph |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 20 | Protect Wall JF - 01 | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 20 | Protect Wall JF - 02 | Peorth |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 30 | Protect Wall JF - 03 | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 30 | Emperor? Black Frost | Tiwaz of Assiah |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 65 | Protect Wall No.55 | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 67 | Protect Wall No.57 | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 64 | Protect Wall No.54 | Hagalaz of Assiah |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 68 | Protect Wall No.58 | Hagalaz of Assiah |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 69 | Protect Wall No.59 | Tiwaz of Assiah |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 63 | Protect Wall No.53 | Hagalaz of Assiah |
Chaos | Aerial | Fallen | 66 | Protect Wall No.56 | Peorth of Assiah |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 52 | Protect Wall No.62 | Eihwaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 53 | Protect Wall No.63 | Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 54 | Protect Wall No.64 | Tiwaz of Assiah |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 51 | Protect Wall No.61 | Peorth |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 56 | Protect Wall No.66 | Laguz |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 57 | Protect Wall No.67 | Hagalaz of Assiah |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 55 | Protect Wall No.75 | Eoh |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 56 | Protect Wall No.76 | Peorth |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 57 | Protect Wall No.77 | Peorth of Assiah |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 69 | Protect Wall No.79 | Sigel |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 70 | Protect Wall No.80 | Hagalaz |
Chaos | Fouls | Foul | 68 | Protect Wall No.78 | Eoh |
Neutral | Humans | Fiend | 71 | Protect Wall No.81 | Peorth of Yetzirah |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 70 | Protect Wall No.60 | Hagalaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 75 | Protect Wall No.65 | Tiwaz |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 80 | Protect Wall No.70 | Sigel of Assiah |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 68 | Protect Wall No.68 | Tiwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 69 | Protect Wall No.69 | Eihwaz |
Neutral | Beasts | Beast | 71 | Protect Wall No.71 | Sigel of Assiah |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 82 | Protect Wall No.72 | Tiwaz |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 83 | Protect Wall No.73 | Laguz |
Neutral | Magica | Genma | 84 | Protect Wall No.74 | Sigel of Assiah |
Law | Machines | Machine | 60 | Protect Wall No.49 | Sigel of Daath |
Law | Machines | Machine | 70 | Protect Wall No.50 | Sigel of Yetzirah |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Femme | 62 | Protect Wall No.82 | Sigel of Daath |
Chaos | Demoniacs | Brute | 63 | Protect Wall No.83 | Sigel of Daath |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 67 | Protect Wall No.87 | Sigel of Daath |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 68 | Protect Wall No.88 | Sigel of Assiah |
Neutral | Dragons | Snake | 69 | Protect Wall No.89 | Sigel of Yetzirah |
Neutral | Magica | Fairy | 64 | Protect Wall No.84 | Sigel of Daath |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 65 | Protect Wall No.85 | Sigel of Yetzirah |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 76 | Protect Wall No.86 | Sigel of Daath |
Chaos | Dragons | Dragon | 80 | Protect Wall No.90 | Sigel of Yetzirah |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 84 | Protect Wall No.94 | Sigel of Daath |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 86 | Protect Wall No.96 | Sigel of Yetzirah |
Law | Magica | Yoma | 87 | Protect Wall No.97 | Sigel of Yetzirah |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 72 | Protect Wall No.92 | Sigel of Daath |
Chaos | Scourges | Haunt | 73 | Protect Wall No.93 | Sigel of Yetzirah |
Law | Demoniacs | Jaki | 81 | Protect Wall No.91 | Sigel of Daath |
Neutral | Magica | Nocturnus | 85 | Protect Wall No.95 | Sigel of Assiah |
Chaos | Magica | Tyrant | 88 | Protect Wall No.98 | Sigel of Yetzirah |
Neutral | Beasts | Holy | 79 | Protect Wall No.99 | Sigel of Daath |
Law | Gods | Deity | 80 | Protect Wall No.102 | Sigel of Yetzirah |
Law | Gods | Deity | 80 | Protect Wall No.103 | Sigel of Yetzirah |
Law | Gods | Deity | 80 | Protect Wall No.104 | Sigel of Yetzirah |
Law | Gods | Deity | 80 | Protect Wall No.105 | Sigel of Yetzirah |
Law | Demoniacs | Jirae | 60 | Protect Wall No.100 | Sigel of Daath |
Neutral | Beasts | Avatar | 61 | Protect Wall No.101 | Sigel of Yetzirah |
Neutral | Beasts | Wilder | 75 | Tao Wu | Laguz of Assiah |
Demonic Compendium | ||
By Alignment | Law | Herald • Entity • Deity • Vile • Avian • Megami • Amatsu • Raptor • Divine • Jaki • Flight • Yoma • Jirae • Machine |
Neutral | Reaper • Holy • Beast • Fairy • Element • Fiend • Genma • Wilder • Snake • Night • Avatar | |
Chaos | Foul • Brute • Haunt • Dragon • Fallen • Femme • Kunitsu • Lady • Drake • Kishin • Omega • Tyrant • Gaean | |
By Family | God | Deity • Megami • Entity |
Aerial | Herald • Divine • Fallen | |
Icon | Vile • Amatsu • Reaper • Kunitsu • Lady • Kishin • Omega | |
Demon | Jaki • Jirae • Brute • Femme | |
Dragon | Snake • Dragon • Drake | |
Nether | Yoma • Fairy • Genma • Night • Tyrant | |
Bird | Avian • Raptor • Flight | |
Beast | Holy • Beast • Wilder • Avatar | |
Scourge | Haunt | |
Pagan | Foul | |
Prime | Element | |
Human | Fiend • Gaean | |
Device | Machine |