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Your demonic compendium provides details of all demons you have collected information about. To add new information to your compendium, you must use a Demonic Compendium Memory on a summoned demon.

The following is a list of all known demons within the game.

For an unparsed table, see Demonic Compendium (Full).

For the complete list of every single demon in the game, see Demonic Compendium (Global).

Click on the demon's name to view that demon's stats.

Neutral Demons


Lv. Icon Name
7 Cait Sith
13 Cu Sith
18 Inugami
26 Nekomata
31 Orthrus
37 Tan-Ki
42 Dawon
49 Cerberus
74 Gryphon


Lv. Icon Name
28 Setanta
36 Valkyrie
44 Cu Chulainn
46 Frost Ace
48 Kurama-Tengu
57 Hayagriva
67 Kresnik
71 Hanuman


Lv. Icon Name
14 Nozuchi
24 Naga
31 Mizuchi
40 Raja Naga
48 Vouivre
56 Vritra
75 Yamata-no-Orochi
81 Yurlungur


Lv. Icon Name
4 Sylph
7 Erthys
11 Aeros
15 Aquans
20 Flamies


Lv. Icon Name
2 Pixie
11 Jack Frost
15 High Pixie
20 Jack O'Lantern
23 Gandharva
25 Kelpie
31 Elf
38 Troll
42 Tam Lin
47 Vivian
52 Oberon
57 Titania


Lv. Icon Name
30 Matador
35 Alice
37 David
46 Hell Biker
52 White Rider
55 Daisoujou
58 Red Rider
65 Black Rider
74 Pale Rider
75 Jeanne D'Arc
83 Tokisada
87 Yoshitsune
90 Dante
90 Masakado
91 Trumpeter
93 Mother Harlot


Lv. Icon Name
22 Makami
31 Xiezhai
44 Nandi
61 Narasimha
66 Sphinx
71 Xuan Wu
74 Anubis
85 Barong


Lv. Icon Name
13 Shiisa
21 Unicorn
24 Apis
27 Bai Ze
31 Pa Bil Sag
36 Senri
41 Kirin
55 Chimera
62 Sleipnir
69 Bai Hu


Lv. Icon Name
8 Alp
14 Empusa
20 Lilim
27 Fomorian
31 Incubus
37 Succubus
42 Black Frost
47 Kaiwan
52 Loa
57 Queen Mab
72 Nyx
92 Lilith


Lv. Icon Name
46 Hel
62 Chernobog
69 Guede
85 Mot
93 Beiji Weng


Lv. Icon Name
9 Garm
17 Bicorn
25 Gyuki
31 Raiju
37 Nue
40 Mothman
50 Catoblepas
57 Fenrir
64 Tao Wu


Lv. Icon Name
15 Ara Mitama
19 Nigi Mitama
22 Kushi Mitama
25 Saki Mitama

Law Demons


Lv. Icon Name
20 Feng Huang
28 Jatayu
36 Phoenix
42 Suparna
49 Zhu Que
52 Yata-Garasu
65 Garuda


Lv. Icon Name
42 Thoth
67 Indra
70 Odin
72 Atavaka
74 Mithra
76 Thor
80 Horus
85 Baal
97 Vishnu


Lv. Icon Name
11 Angel
17 Archangel
25 Principality
36 Power
51 Virtue
64 Dominion
71 Throne
73 Ose Hallel
75 Flauros Hallel


Lv. Icon Name
3 Kodama
5 Hua Po
11 Knocker
17 Sudama
24 Bucca-Boo
30 Dwarf
35 Sarutahiko
41 Ubelluris
62 Titan
64 Gogmagog


Lv. Icon Name
32 Luvah
34 Urthona
36 Urizen
38 Tharmas
65 Albion
75 Alilat
89 Black Maria


Lv. Icon Name
25 Ogre
41 Rakshasa
41 Edimmu
46 Cyclops
70 Girimekhala
82 Hecatonchires


Lv. Icon Name
18 Hathor
24 Ameno-Uzume
30 Sarasvati
38 Freya
46 Fortuna
55 Sati
68 Scathach
72 Norn
76 Pallas Athena
81 Lakshmi
84 Anat


Lv. Icon Name
31 Omoikane
34 Tajikarao
65 Hino-Kagutsuch
71 Take-Mikazuchi
80 Tsukuyomi
84 Amaterasu (M)
94 Amaterasu (F)


Lv. Icon Name
1 Onmoraki
28 Muu Shuwuu
41 Zhen
45 Furiae
69 Camazotz
70 Anzu
78 Hresvelgr
83 Gurulu


Lv. Icon Name
80 Uriel
93 Raphael
94 Gabriel
96 Michael
96 Seraph
97 Metatron


Lv. Icon Name
30 Baphomet
52 Tezcatlipoca
65 Tao Tie
67 Mishaguji
82 Pazuzu
83 Mada
86 Nyarlathotep
89 Samael
96 Seth


Lv. Icon Name
7 Harpy
12 Macha
25 Ocypete
30 Celaeno
36 Aello
54 Badb Catha
62 Morrigan


Lv. Icon Name
8 Apsaras
14 Isora
23 Dis
28 Kinnari
37 Onkot
42 Efreet
44 Jinn


56 Pulukishi
58 Ganesha

Chaos Demons


Lv. Icon Name
5 Shikigami
10 Azumi
15 Koppa-Tengu
19 Momunofu
23 Turdak
25 Oni
28 Karasu-Tengu
44 Yomotsu-Ikusa
51 Yaksa
63 Shiki-Ouji
66 Kin-Ki
69 Sui-Ki
72 Fuu-Ki
91 Ongyo-Ki


Lv. Icon Name
56 Ares
58 Dionysus
67 Indrajit
70 Asura
83 Kartikeya
88 Susano-o
93 Wu Kong
97 Shiva


Lv. Icon Name
33 Coatlicue
39 Ganga
55 Quetzalcoatl
77 Qing-Long
93 Ananta


Lv. Icon Name
18 Kikuri-Hime
26 Kushinada-Hime
30 Artemis
64 Parvati
68 Kali
74 Skadi
82 Diana
94 Isis
96 Ishtar


Lv. Icon Name
8 Cockatrice
17 Tarasque
23 Bai Suzhen
43 Basilisk
51 Typhon
57 Nidhoggr
64 Kingu
72 Fafnir
81 Vasuki


Lv. Icon Name
15 Andras
29 Forneus
43 Eligor
50 Decarabia
58 Berith
65 Orobas
73 Ose
75 Flauros
79 Gomory
82 Abraxas
92 Azazel


Lv. Icon Name
9 Datsue-Ba
15 Acheri
25 Taraka
32 Gorgon
35 Yomotsu-Shikome
41 Leanan Sidhe
44 Yuki Jyorou
47 Lamia
48 Clotho
50 Arachne
51 Lachesis
53 Yaksni
56 Atropos
65 Dakini
85 Rangda


Lv. Icon Name
1 Will O'Wisp
6 Slime
11 Mou-Ryou
16 Blob
31 Black Ooze
36 Specter
52 Shadow
93 Phantom


Lv. Icon Name
38 Zouchouten
45 Koumokuten
52 Jikokuten
72 Bishamonten


Lv. Icon Name
4 Poltergeist
7 Preta
11 Ghoul
17 Choronzon
24 Yakkha
33 Chatterskull
36 Pisaca
38 Legion
44 Vetala
51 Utai-Gaikotsu
63 Kumbhanda
67 Kudlak


Lv. Icon Name
42 Onamuchi
50 Oyamatsumi
59 Okuninushi
63 Take-Minakata
83 Arahabaki


Lv. Icon Name
40 King Frost
59 Hecate
64 Moloch
69 Loki
70 Tzitzimitl
72 Surt
82 Chi You
85 Astaroth
85 Baalzebul
90 Lucifuge
92 Belphegor
95 Mara (Amorphous)
95 Mara
95 Beelzebub

Boss Demons








Shinjuku Babel

Shinjuku Docks

Summon Orb



Abyss Tower

Nakano Campsite

Hacked Chip

Zoushigaya Cemetery

Home II (Dungeon)


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Demonic Compendium
By Alignment Law HeraldEntityDeityVileAvianMegamiAmatsuRaptorDivineJakiFlightYomaJiraeMachine
Neutral ReaperHolyBeastFairyElementFiendGenmaWilderSnakeNightAvatar
Chaos FoulBruteHauntDragonFallenFemmeKunitsuLadyDrakeKishinOmegaTyrantGaean
By Family God DeityMegamiEntity
Aerial HeraldDivineFallen
Icon VileAmatsuReaperKunitsuLadyKishinOmega
Demon JakiJiraeBruteFemme
Dragon SnakeDragonDrake
Nether YomaFairyGenmaNightTyrant
Bird AvianRaptorFlight
Beast HolyBeastWilderAvatar
Scourge Haunt
Pagan Foul
Prime Element
Human FiendGaean
Device Machine