Electronic Corridor

From Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE Wiki
Revision as of 12:07, 7 January 2013 by imported>Xorionn (→‎Alternate Floor list)
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How to initiate

Go to Home III Service Entrance and use the terminal (X-22,Y-22) at the dead end of the room. Press "From: STEVEN" and receive his message if it is your first time.



[This is to all those who are connected to this NET. ]

This world is about to come to an end with each passing day and I want to report my investigation, but I've been imprisoned by someone. I'm sending a program with my location imprinted, you should be able to reach me if you analyze this. However, this program is designed to protect against the evil doers. I've limited the entry and you must be alone to enter. Many areas in this program are also protected. Please overcome these obstacles and save me. I wish the courageous will receive this message.... [The transmission ends here.]


  • [Download] - Start at Floor 1. HPG data will be lost.
  • [Hack] - Choose to go to the next three floors or stay at the prior 3 floors.
  • [Use SHPG Authorization card] - Use SHPG Authorization card to activate the special floors.
    • SHPG Authorization card EV-** [A-D or special cards]
      • A = 25F, B = 37F, C = 51F, D = 71F.
    • SHPG Authorization card EV-JF [Stray Jack Frost quest item and also a rare reward in Floor 9]
    • SHPG Authorization card EV-UB [Quest item from DB Bacchus the Drunk] (Unimplemented)
  • [Cancel] - Close Option Page.

Floor list

7F-9F Alternate Level 10F-12F
19F-21F Alternate Level 55F-56F
SHPG A 25F-27F
Defeat Matador Last ↓ Defeat Nandi Last (PL-A Route)
28F-30F 28F-30F ←PL-A
31F-33F 31F-33F ←PL-A
34F-36F 34F-36F ←PL-A
SHPG B 37F-39F
No Choice or CODE:NM ↓ CODE:BG ↓
40F-42F 40F-42F (BG)
Kill Fallen Angels in Order (BR Route) ↓ Kill Outside of Order ↓
43F-45F (BR) 43F-45F 43F-45F (BG)
46F-48F (BR) 46F-48F 46F-48F (BG)
49F-51F (BR) 49F-51F 49F-51F (BG)
SHPG C 52F-54F
Defeat Daisoujou First ↓ Defeat Mou-Ryou First (NG Route) →
55F-56F 55F-56F
57F-58F 57F-58F
59F-60F 59F-60F
61F-62F 61F-62F
63F-64F 63F-64F
65F-66F 65F-66F
Don't Die ↓ Die (NG Route) →
67F-68F 67F-68F
69F-70F 69F-70F (Returns to 36F)

SHPG Floor list

Alternate Floor list


  • This dungeon is Solo Only.
  • You can only do a set of floors once every 20 hours (real time).
  • "Access Denied" will happen if you try to "Hack" or "Download" before the 20 hours period passed.
  • The boss floor of the day will always have only 1 treasure box. You must look closely as it was at the ending edge of the floor.
  • After the boss floor of the day, you are given a Valuable item that allows you to return to where you left.
  • All demons inside will have their names altered to "Protect Wall No.(Add number here)".
  • If you happen to be dead and choose to be revived in Home Point, you will have to wait another 20 Hours to enter again. Your hack data will not be lost at the process.
  • XP gain will decrease if you left it damaged and you are dead.


Level limit 
  • 1F:Lv 3~
  • 10F:Lv20~
  • 19F:Lv30~
  • 28F:Lv40~
  • 37F: Lv45~
Special HPG data
  • At Floor 27, depends on who you kill last, you will get that data instead.
    • Kill Matador last get HPG-STEVEN Lv027
    • Kill Nandi last get HPG-STEVEN PL-A
      • When you get either of these 2 programs, you can't re-enter floor 25.
Special Floor requirement. These floors require specific procedures to be done in order to advance.
  • Floor 35 (34 is starting and 36 is boss room): Garuda must be summoned throughout the run or else the Naga spawning is infinite.


  • [GS] downbook's [Notes] Denshi Kairo Floor's Journey
  • gkwiki
  • ahirukumi
  • adel616's Second part of Steven floors Completed.
  • 真・女神転生IMAGINE攻略 Wiki [1]
Cities: Home IIHome IIIShinjuku BabelProtopiaArcadiaSouhonzanKakyo Castle
Area: Virtual BattleCathedral of ShadowsShinjuku Residential AreaTMG BuildingCathedralFu'un CastleHome III Service EntranceGolden Arc CasinoNakano Campsite
Fields: SuginamiNakanoShinjuku DocksShibuyaShinagawaIchigayaUenoShinjukuIkebukuro???Kuchinawa CaveVirtual BeachZoushigaya CemeteryCathedral (Dungeon)
Dungeons: Suginami TunnelsShibuya QuartzCelu TowerKagurazaka Zhu Que CavernOld Ichigaya CampShinagawa Catacomb of the Templar KnightsOld Tokyo MetroShibuya MetroIzumo IslandNakano Underground RuinsNakano Boundless DomainLimbus HongoShinagawa Ice CaveUeno MirageHome II (Dungeon)End of Days - Ichigaya
Special Dungeons: Judah's Spirit WorldDoukan's Spirit WorldElectronic CorridorWILDCATDiasporaSecret RoomValuable ChallengeDistortion FloorDark BabelShinjuku Docks: B11Shinjuku Docks: Deep LevelsMound of MasakadoTMG Building (False)Underworld Battle ColosseumShinjuku Wonder Underground
Hacked Chip: Hacked Chip A RunHacked Chip-Alpha RunHacked Chip-Mu RunCOMP-Hack Dungeon KappaCOMP-Hack Dungeon Yoidore
PvP Area: Fujimi Midgard BattlegroundColosseum