Hacked Chip-Alpha Run

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What is a Hacked Chip-Alpha Run

Hacked Chip-Alpha Run is a special hack run to acquire demons differently from Hacked Chip A Run. Unlike the Hacked Chip A Run, you'll need Hacked Chip-Alpha to gain access. They can be brought from the COMP Shop under the "Hacked Chip" tab with AC, also they can be found from Fortune Cards, promotions, events and even from other players.

Alternately, occasionally Hacked Chip-Alpha2 are given away during events. These are essentially the same as the former, just non-trade.

How to Start

Going Solo

  • Level 30 or higher can enter.
  • Double click the Hacked Chip-Alpha to gain the "Access Allowed Status".
  • Talk with DB Saito in Shinjuku Babel [X19:Y22] after using the Hacked Chip-Alpha; "Ask about her COMP" and next "Hack into her COMP".

Going with a Party

  • If the party is formed, the enemy demons will be different from the Solo version. Even if you go alone inside while in the party, you will not see the Solo version demons.
  • Level 30 or higher can enter.
  • Double click the Hacked Chip-Alpha to gain the "Access Allowed Status".
  • Each party member needs their own Hacked Chip-Alpha.
  • Talk with DB Saito in Shinjuku Babel [X19:Y22] after using the Hacked Chip-Alpha; "Ask about her COMP" and next "Hack into her COMP".

http://i.imgur.com/2415A4s.png Access Allowed Status

Type: • GOOD
Affinity: -
Description: • Access allowed into DB Saito's COMP.


Solo/ Party

Essence of Yetzirah

  • Talk with Demonic Researcher in Shinjuku Babel Cathedral of Shadows (near the entrance) to exchange your Essence of Yetzirah for varies demon plug-ins; "Ask about Essence of Yetzirah". These demons are not obtainable in regular Dyad Fusions.
  • You cannot share these plug-ins with your other characters in the same account. Think about which character will receive the plug-in. Also, the higher numbered Yetzirah requires another Yetzirah plug-in demon to create that fusion.

70 Little Devil Lilim the Little Demon
150 Dark Colossus Girimekhala
300 My World Alice
500 Paso Doble Matador
750 HAMCH Hell Biker
800 Mara-Papiyas Mara (Amorphous)


  • Using XP boosting items such as Incense of Experience or Sound of Silence and many more, you can earn more Experience Points.
  • The "Access Allowed Status" will disappear when the last Foul is defeated and the treasure chests appear and is gone until another Hacked Chip-Alpha is used.
  • You may traesto out of the run and keep the "Access Allowed Status". This can be done to inherit affinities such as Almighty quickly.

Cities: Home IIHome IIIShinjuku BabelProtopiaArcadiaSouhonzanKakyo Castle
Area: Virtual BattleCathedral of ShadowsShinjuku Residential AreaTMG BuildingCathedralFu'un CastleHome III Service EntranceGolden Arc CasinoNakano Campsite
Fields: SuginamiNakanoShinjuku DocksShibuyaShinagawaIchigayaUenoShinjukuIkebukuro???Kuchinawa CaveVirtual BeachZoushigaya CemeteryCathedral (Dungeon)
Dungeons: Suginami TunnelsShibuya QuartzCelu TowerKagurazaka Zhu Que CavernOld Ichigaya CampShinagawa Catacomb of the Templar KnightsOld Tokyo MetroShibuya MetroIzumo IslandNakano Underground RuinsNakano Boundless DomainLimbus HongoShinagawa Ice CaveUeno MirageHome II (Dungeon)End of Days - Ichigaya
Special Dungeons: Judah's Spirit WorldDoukan's Spirit WorldElectronic CorridorWILDCATDiasporaSecret RoomValuable ChallengeDistortion FloorDark BabelShinjuku Docks: B11Shinjuku Docks: Deep LevelsMound of MasakadoTMG Building (False)Underworld Battle ColosseumShinjuku Wonder Underground
Hacked Chip: Hacked Chip A RunHacked Chip-Alpha RunHacked Chip-Mu RunCOMP-Hack Dungeon KappaCOMP-Hack Dungeon Yoidore
PvP Area: Fujimi Midgard BattlegroundColosseum