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Meaning of Diaspora

A diaspora (from Greek διασπορά, "scattering, dispersion") is the movement or migration of a group of people, such as those sharing a national and/or ethnic identity, away from an established or ancestral homeland.

Minimum Requirement

  • Level 75+ (All players)
  • Completed Act 16: Spiral Waltz and earned the B-Class DB License. (All players)
  • Must have the Indulgence of (name here). Valuable used upon entering. (All players)
  • Have at least 5 members to join the run. Maximum is 30.
    • Please use the Versus Team located in Communication section to recruit more than 1 full party with condition of Diaspora (Dungeon name here).
    • 6 full party = 30 members = 1 full Versus Team. Use "Team" chat to talk to everyone in the Team which is vital for survival.
  • Must wait 72 hours (Real time) before joining another Diaspora

How to Initiate

Should you meet all the requirement given, head to [Suginami (x26 y22) / Shinagawa (x21 y20)] and find Gomory . Pay her 30,000 Magnetites for the Indulgence Of (Virtue/Diligence). Then, the party leader should open the dungeon and the rest could enter as soon as the link to the respective Diaspora is opened. Everyone should get ready to wait for the barrier to lose the effect. Should the barrier goes down, the timer starts and the run begins.


She will tell you are not strong enough should you didn't meet the requirement given.
  • TBA. (Help...)


Notable difference between normal and Diaspora run

  • Impossible! damage modifier is added.
    • Happens when a human (Player) hits a mob that has either have a % chance to void all human attacks or takes 0% damage from humans.
    • Unconfirmed if demons under Human (like Alice for example) is affected.
  • Barrier! damage modifier is added.
    • The demon have a barrier on, thus decreasing to even null damage taken. Can be weakened or removed should a condition had been meet.
  • All demons have been modified. They are more tougher and harder to kill than the normal one.
  • Should you die and wish to return, you will be revived at the place you first came in (around the yellow barrier area).
  • Your team members are colored in white on the map except yourself and your demon.
  • The unused items that is used to suppress the towers, if still in inventory, will be lost upon exiting the run.


Gomory Exchange

  • Do note you must complete the run at least once in order to trade Masakadus with her.
The Exchange Prize include:
  • 1,000 Expertise Point increase (150 / 200)
    • Only 2 per player. (Can be obtained from Suginami and Shinagawa for a 4k total)
  • 2,000 Expertise Point increase (400)
    • Only 1 per player. (Can be obtained from both versions of the run for a total of 4,000.)
  • 4,000 Expertise Point increase (1000)
    • Only 1 per player. (Can be obtained from both versions of the run for a total of 8,000.)
  • Comp Expansion (150)
    • + 2 demon slots on your COMP. (1 from Suginami and 1 from Shinagawa)


  • Duke Of Terror [Astaroth] Plugin (500)
  • Skills, Players only.
http://i.imgur.com/RdSUGOY.png Heatwave Active Weapon-
Spin 16% HP The energy forms into a sword and unleashes all its power towards the enemies. Inflicts weapon-based damage to the facing enemies. 100 None
http://i.imgur.com/fN4Jk1c.png Tentarafoo Active Mind Shot 20 MP, 20 Magnetite Fire innumerable light. Inflict mind-based and Panic effect to the facing enemies. 100 None
http://i.imgur.com/3F4pktm.png Charisma Passive Special Curative - Negotiation success rate increases because of the radiant charisma. 100 None
Secrets of Fusion Passive Special Curative - Boosts double fusion success rate by 5% 200 None
http://i.imgur.com/OBBj4Qs.png Purify Trigger Active Expel Rapid 1 MP ? 300 None
http://i.imgur.com/ezpAbjT.jpg Spear Active Penetrate Rush 15% HP ? 100 ?
http://i.imgur.com/zucVET7.png Bloodsucker Active Magic Attack - Restores HP/MP by half of damage done. 100 Class 1 Curse of the Wretched
http://i.imgur.com/5ZbyBp2.png Mega Strike Active Mind Rush 8% HP ? 200 Class 1 Support Magic, Heaven's Gate
http://i.imgur.com/bg6qTdP.png Nervous Edge Active Nerve Spin 15 MP, 15 Magnetite ? 200 Shibaboo, Class 2 Psychology
Thread of the Forest Active Penetrate Shot 5% HP ? 200 Class 5 Bless
File:Heaven Shaking Sword.png Heaven Shaking Sword Active Slash Spin 25% HP, 25 Mags ? 500 Class 5 Spin, Class 5 Magic Control, Class 7 Weapon Knowledge


  • He who serves the Throne [Metatron] Plugin (500)
  • Skills, Players only.
http://i.imgur.com/xfS9iZS.png Boogie Woogie Active Weapon-
Shot 3 MP,
1 Bullet
The bullet rips through in a flash. Inflicts weapon-based damage to the facing enemies. 100 None
http://i.imgur.com/Z0q8XKY.png Clench Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that enable you to withstand devastating damage with 50% chance. 100 None
http://i.imgur.com/2UrWZsm.png Kin's Sake Passive Special Curative - Passive skill that increases the chance to succeeded in negotiation when a demon from same family is summoned. 100 None
http://i.imgur.com/SggbCyU.png Curse Grudge Active Death Rush 3% HP, 15 MP ? 300 None
Infinite Light Active Almighty Shot 80 MP, 800 Mags ? 500 None
http://i.imgur.com/C8Nw83L.png Magic Blast Active Magic Shot 5% MP ? 100 None
http://i.imgur.com/dSUJoxQ.jpg Corona Cannon Active Fire Shot MP 15, Mag 5 Shots Corona Cannon and inflicts fire-based damage on an enemy. Slow moving shot. 300 Lady of the Flames
http://i.imgur.com/rGukdQi.jpg Blizzard Cannon Active Ice Shot MP 15, Mag 5 Shots Blizzard Cannon and inflicts ice-based damage on an enemy. Slow moving shot. 300 Lord of the Frost
http://i.imgur.com/FimMcVx.jpg Lightning Cannon Active Electric Shot MP 15, Mag 5 Shots Lighting Cannon and inflicts electric-based damage on an enemy. Slow moving shot. 300 Lady of Static
http://i.imgur.com/az3F9CF.jpg Hurricane Cannon Active Force Shot MP 15, Mag 5 Shots Hurricane Cannon and inflicts force-based damage on an enemy. Slow moving shot. 300 Lord of the Storm
Magical Meteor Active Magic Spin 15 MP, 15 Mags ? 300 Magic Blast, Class 6 Bless

Tips & Tricks

  • It is highly recommended to bring 6 full parties (30 members) to the run by the use of Versus Team Condition. The demons are merciless and will happily murder you to oblivion.
  • Teamwork is vital. Any failure to coordinate the battle plan to go exactly as planned will screw up the whole run and make it difficult to be done on time.
  • Your demon should be able to hold their own . Any unrebirthed demon with bad skill set will likely be a goner in one hit.
  • Make one chat tab for party + team only. You can get info faster that way without other interruption (i.e. Damage log).
  • A team can't function if certain parts aren't listening, teams need to communicate!
  • Set loot to Free-For-All (Each party) and assign a person (Leader preferred) to mix and use on tower upon confirmation from all other members.
  • Do not bring your personal issue/grudge against a player when playing. Play properly and prioritize to finish the run as soon as possible.
  • Refrain from abusing the Team chat with pointless text. Only use when needed (i.e. when you are ready to suppress the tower and awaiting for order)
  • When you die, you can only be resurrected by a demon or player. You cannot Zone to Entrance in Diaspora; you can only Zone to your Homepoint.


  • [GS] downbook's Diaspora Suginami Guide [1]
  • [GM] Greywulf's [Guide] Diaspora Shinagawa [2]
  • maomerchant's Diaspora Shinagawa with key parts and mini bosses location [3]
  • RedshirtRGM79's Teamwork, or lack thereof. [4]
  • ahirukumi
Cities: Home IIHome IIIShinjuku BabelProtopiaArcadiaSouhonzanKakyo Castle
Area: Virtual BattleCathedral of ShadowsShinjuku Residential AreaTMG BuildingCathedralFu'un CastleHome III Service EntranceGolden Arc CasinoNakano Campsite
Fields: SuginamiNakanoShinjuku DocksShibuyaShinagawaIchigayaUenoShinjukuIkebukuro???Kuchinawa CaveVirtual BeachZoushigaya CemeteryCathedral (Dungeon)
Dungeons: Suginami TunnelsShibuya QuartzCelu TowerKagurazaka Zhu Que CavernOld Ichigaya CampShinagawa Catacomb of the Templar KnightsOld Tokyo MetroShibuya MetroIzumo IslandNakano Underground RuinsNakano Boundless DomainLimbus HongoShinagawa Ice CaveUeno MirageHome II (Dungeon)End of Days - Ichigaya
Special Dungeons: Judah's Spirit WorldDoukan's Spirit WorldElectronic CorridorWILDCATDiasporaSecret RoomValuable ChallengeDistortion FloorDark BabelShinjuku Docks: B11Shinjuku Docks: Deep LevelsMound of MasakadoTMG Building (False)Underworld Battle ColosseumShinjuku Wonder Underground
Hacked Chip: Hacked Chip A RunHacked Chip-Alpha RunHacked Chip-Mu RunCOMP-Hack Dungeon KappaCOMP-Hack Dungeon Yoidore
PvP Area: Fujimi Midgard BattlegroundColosseum