Talismans - CP Promotional

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Promotional 1

http://i.imgur.com/Hb00C3Y.png Brute Charm ? - 20 No Yes Yes A charm that increases damage inflicted against demons in the Beast group reduces damage suffered from them. [Characteristics]
• +20% damage to Beasts
• -10% damage suffered from Beasts
[ Set Bonus ]
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/nZ3CjeK.png Sprite Charm ? - 20 No Yes Yes A charm that increases damage inflicted against demons in the Fairy group reduces damage suffered from them. [Characteristics]
• +20% damage to Fairies
• -10% damage suffered from Fairies
[ Set Bonus ]
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/cRzPX2q.png Divine Charm ? - 20 No Yes Yes A charm that increases damage inflicted against demons in the Divine group reduces damage suffered from them. [Characteristics]
• +20% damage to Divines
• -10% damage suffered from Divines
[ Set Bonus ]
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/ZMJqDDh.png Serpent Charm ? - 20 No Yes Yes A charm that increases damage inflicted against demons in the Drake group reduces damage suffered from them. [Characteristics]
• +20% damage to Drakes
• -10% damage suffered from Drakes
[ Set Bonus ]
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/KglrLKL.png Raven Charm ? - 20 No Yes Yes A charm that increases damage inflicted against demons in the Flight group reduces damage suffered from them. [Characteristics]
• +20% damage to Flights
• -10% damage suffered from Flights
[ Set Bonus ]
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/XCTxS7k.png Raptor Charm ? - 20 No Yes Yes A charm that increases damage inflicted against demons in the Raptor group reduces damage suffered from them. [Characteristics]
• +20% damage to Raptors
• -10% damage suffered from Raptors
[ Set Bonus ]
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/uC9WGtH.png Holy Charm ? - 20 No Yes Yes A charm that increases damage inflicted against demons in the Holy group reduces damage suffered from them. [Characteristics]
• +20% damage to Holys
• -10% damage suffered from Holys
[ Set Bonus ]
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/CsvSOK9.png Ogre Charm ? - 20 No Yes Yes A charm that increases damage inflicted against demons in the Brute group reduces damage suffered from them. [Characteristics]
• +20% damage to Brutes
• -10% damage suffered from Brutes
[ Set Bonus ]
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/DYusS7S.png Haunt Charm ? - 20 No Yes Yes A charm that increases damage inflicted against demons in the Haunt group reduces damage suffered from them. [Characteristics]
• +20% damage to Haunts
• -10% damage suffered from Haunts
[ Set Bonus ]
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/5ED7J5i.png Foul Charm ? - 20 No Yes Yes A charm that increases damage inflicted against demons in the Foul group reduces damage suffered from them. [Characteristics]
• +20% damage to Fouls
• -10% damage suffered from Fouls
[ Set Bonus ]
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/6MwuPgA.png Light Element Charm ? - 20 No Yes Yes A charm that increases damage inflicted against demons in the Element group reduces damage suffered from them. [Characteristics]
• +10% damage to Elements
• -7% damage suffered from Elements
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/Bjaw5Eo.png Light Icon
? - 20 No Yes Yes A charm that increases damage inflicted against demons in the Kishin group reduces damage suffered from them. [Characteristics]
• +10% damage to Guardians
• -7% damage suffered from Guardians
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/9DFvDjY.png Light Azure
? - 20 No Yes Yes A charm that slightly increases damage inflicted on LAW enemies and slightly decreases damage suffered from them. [Characteristics]
• +8% damage to Law enemies
• -5% damage suffered from Law enemies
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/bukOVhi.png Light Beryl
? - 20 No Yes Yes A charm that slightly increases damage inflicted on NEUTRAL enemies and slightly decreases damage suffered from them. [Characteristics]
• +8% damage to Neutral enemies
• -5% damage suffered from Neutral enemies
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/o6Cq1aW.png Light Scarlet Charm ? - 20 No Yes Yes A charm that slightly increases damage inflicted on CHAOS enemies and slightly decreases damage suffered from them. [Characteristics]
• +8% damage to Chaos enemies
• -5% damage suffered from Chaos enemies
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/EOgzRII.png Charm Beast ? - 20 No Yes Yes Charm that increases damage against demons in the Beast family. [Characteristics]
• +25% damage to Beasts (Species)
Special Ticket B
http://i.imgur.com/29ZlBkB.png Symbol of Harmony ? - 10 No Yes Yes A pick given to a fan by a musician who was a superstar a long time ago. A mysterious aura enshrouds it. [Characteristics]
• +15% Weapon-based skills
[ Set Bonus ]
Tuning Data Ticket
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/D7XhB4H.png Sign of
? - 10 No Yes Yes A tuner used by a musician who was a superstar a long time ago. A mysterious charge runs through it. • Electric Boost: +15%
[ Set Bonus ]
Tuning Data Ticket
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/VJOujmR.png Invitation to Resonance ? - 10 No Yes Yes A tuning fork used in rehearsals by a musicians who was a superstar a long time ago. Capable of producing a beautiful sound, as well as flesh-decimating winds. • Shock Boost: +15%
[ Set Bonus ]
Tuning Data Ticket
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/3SvPxo8.png Discourse on Reincarnation ? - 10 No Yes Yes A metronome used by a musician who was a superstar a long time ago. It has frozen over and no longer moves. • Freeze Boost: +15%
[ Set Bonus ]
Tuning Data Ticket
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/FwY0vKp.png Inscription of Agreement ? - 10 No Yes Yes A sticker featuring the logo of a musician who was a superstar a long time ago. The logo conjures images of fire. • Flame Boost: +15%
[ Set Bonus ]
Tuning Data Ticket
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/0wHAgpo.png LB Amulet
? - 10 No Yes Yes LB is engraved on the bronze amulet. Contains very little power to break the limit. • Limit Break Chance: +3% Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/0wHAgpo.png LB Amulet
(7 Days)
? - 10 No No No LB is engraved on the bronze amulet. Contains very little power to break the limit.
* Cannot be traded
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/Xj8YYDH.png LB Amulet
? - 10 No Yes Yes LB is engraved on the silver amulet. Contains very little power to break the limit. • Critical: +10
• Limit Break Chance: +5%
• Limit Break Power +10%
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/Xj8YYDH.png LB Amulet
(7 Days)
? - 10 No No No LB is engraved on the silver amulet. Contains very little power to break the limit.
* Cannot be traded
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/x1r2dum.png LB Amulet
? - 10 No Yes Yes LB is engraved on the gold amulet. Contains very little power to break the limit. • Critical: +20
• Limit Break Chance: +10%
• Limit Break Power: +20%
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/x1r2dum.png Gold LB
(7 Days)
? - 10 No No No An amulet with the letters LB deeply engraved on it. Contains tiny amounts of power that allow its wearer to push themselves beyond their limit.
* Cannot be traded
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/LPwK11T.png LB Amulet
? - 10 No Yes Yes LB is engraved on the platinum amulet. Contains very little power to break the limit. • Critical: +30
• Limit Break Chance: +10%
• Limit Break Power: +30%
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/LPwK11T.png LB Amulet (Platinum)
(7 Days)
? - 10 No No No LB is engraved on the platinum amulet. Contains very little power to break the limit.
* Cannot be traded
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/9uoAoAX.png Symbol of Harmony (Demon) ? - 10 No Yes Yes Pick that musician who was known as superstar threw into the audience. It is accompanied by mysterious aura. It seems to give the mysterious power to existence that can commune as the person who acquired it. [Characteristics]
• +10% damage inflicted by your Partner
Tuning Data Ticket (Demon)
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/crZxiuD.png Sign of the Covenant (Demon) ? - 10 No Yes Yes Sticker with trademark of musician who was known superstar. The mark can image the flame. Its seems to give the mysterious power to existence that can commune as the person who acquired it. [Characteristics]
• Fire-based skill effects +30% to your Partner
Tuning Data Ticket (Demon)
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/ZQJWdq5.png Metronome of Reincarnation (Demon) ? - 10 No Yes Yes Metronome used by musician who was known as superstar. It has already frozen and does not move now. It seems to give the mysterious power to existence that can commune as the person who acquired it. [Characteristics]
• Ice-based skill effects +30% to your Partner
Tuning Data Ticket (Demon)
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/LZDosE7.png Device of
Harmony (Demon)
? - 10 No Yes Yes Tuner used by musician who was known as superstar. It is accompanied by mysterious blitz. It seems to give the mysterious power to existence that can commune as the person who acquired it. [Characteristics]
• Electric-based skill effects +30% to your Partner
Tuning Data Ticket (Demon)
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/v3Yi1RE.png Invitation of Resonance (Demon) ? - 10 No Yes Yes Tuning fork used during rehearsal by musician who was known as superstar. Along with a beautiful tone, it has a power to cut wind. It seems to give the mysterious power to existence that can commune as the person who acquired it. [Characteristics]
• Force-based skill effects +30% to your Partner
Tuning Data Ticket (Demon)
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/CNWiJgL.png Research Diary ? - 10 No Yes Yes A diary which is said that the famous detective spelled many information. [Basic Features]
• Physical Defense + 3
• Magical Defense + 3
• Block Critical: +5
• Cool-down Time: -5%
• Status Aliment Resistance: +5%
• +3 PHYS DEF and MAG DEF to your Partner
• -5% cool-down time for Skills to your Partner
• +5% status ailment resistance to your Partner
Research Goods Data Ticket
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/sxzrNXw.png World's Demise ? - 10 No Yes Yes Through this talisman, you can see the world in all its miserable demise; there is nothing you can do but watch this scene in silence. [Characteristics]
• +100 MAX HP, +200 MAX MP to your Partner
• Partner obtains +20% XP
[ Set Bonus ]
Symbol Data Ticket
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/x3nwEzu.png Betrayed World's Demise ? - 10 No Yes Yes Through this talisman, you can see the world in all its miserable demise; there is nothing you can do but watch this scene in silence, gazing down on the people fading away like foam. • MAX HP: +50
• MAX MP: +100
• Acquire Experience: +50%
[ Set Bonus ]
Symbol Data Ticket (Betrayal)
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/mzr5aZo.png World's Demise (Destruction) ? - 10 No Yes Yes You can see stagnation of the ground from talisman. All you can do is to watch devastation. People scatter like bubble. [Characteristics]
• MAX HP +40, MAX MP +20 to your Partner
• +10 Melee, Ranged, SPL to your Partner
[ Set Bonus ]
Symbol of Destruction Data Ticket
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/5OrRpsE.png World's Demise (Destruction: Partner) ? - 10 No Yes Yes You can see stagnation of the ground from talisman. All you can do is to watch devastation. People scatter like bubble. • Melee, Ranged, Spell: +10
• MAX HP: +40, MAX MP: +20
[ Set Bonus ]
Symbol Ticket (Destruction: Partner)
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/ueSFCbz.png Crest of the Dawn ? - 10 No Yes Yes Tears are taken away. The path is closed, and the future is stained. Yet the wing gleams carrying the hope of a better tomorrow. [Characteristics]
• MAX HP +100, MAX MP +50 to your Partner
• Soul Point acquisition +20%
[ Set Bonus ]
Data Ticket (Wing of the Dawn)
Fortune Cards
http://i.imgur.com/Upy5NR2.png ? ? - 10 No Yes Yes Not Yet Available! • Melee, Ranged, Spell Damage: +4%
• Cool-down Time: -5%
[ Set Bonus ]
Hexagram Symbol ? - 10 No Yes Yes Long ago, these were worn by a clan of white mages. They function by collecting magical energy from the environment around them. • Block Critical: +11
• Critical: +11
• Melee, Ranged, Spell Damage Taken: -3%
[ Set Bonus ]
Fortune Cards
? ? - 10 No Yes Yes Not Yet Available! • MAX HP: +50
• MAX MP: +100
• Cool-down Time: -5%
[ Set Bonus ]
Fortune Cards
Source Material マテリアルソース - 20 Yes Yes Yes [Basic Features]
• Physical/Magical defense + 5
• Strength/Magic/Speed + 16
• Vitality/Intelligence/Luck + 10
• Limit Break Damage cap + 200
While Digitalized,
• Pursuit chance + 5%
• Pursuit power + 10%
[ Equipment Set Bonus - 4-Point Equipment ]
• Final Critical correction + 20%
• Limit Break Damage cap + 5000
• Digitalize duration + 30%
While Digitalized,
• Limit Break Power + 100%
• Melee/Ranged/Spell + 30
Fortune Cards
Source Material (Demon) マテリアルソース(仲魔) - 20 Yes Yes Yes [Basic Features]
• Physical/Magical defense + 5
• Strength/Magic/Speed + 10
• Vitality/Intelligence/Luck + 16
• Demon Partner's Limit Break Damage cap + 200
While Digitalized,
• Demon Partner's Pursuit chance + 5%
• Demon Partner's Pursuit power + 10%
[ Equipment Set Bonus - 4-Point Equipment ]
• Demon Partner's Final Critical correction + 20%
• Demon Partner's Limit Break Damage cap + 5000
• Digitalize duration + 30%
While Digitalized,
• Demon Partner's Limit Break Power + 100%
• Demon Partner's Melee/Ranged/Spell + 30
Fortune Cards

Items and Equipment
Armor: HeadFaceNeckBodyBackArmsLegsShoesEarringsRingsTalismansCOMPExtras
Weapons: 1-handed Swords2-handed SwordsThrusting SwordsAxesBlunt InstrumentsSpearsMartial ArtsHandgunsRiflesShotgunsBullet
Items: ConsumablesGemsValuablesCardsModification MaterialsSynthesis MaterialsDemonic Compendium Memory
Plasmas: PlasmaRemains of TokyoCompounding Materials